Posted by~ Sheldon Redditt 11/22/2014
Ladies, men by nature are conquerors. It's innate, maybe even primal would be a better description meaning that, if we see something that we want we will go after it, no matter how hard it will be to get it. It doesn't matter how much it will cost, if we see it and want it, we will do everything in our power to get it!
Great Hair, Great Clothes, Make the Ladies Swoon
When I was a young man, growing up, everything I did was meant to impress a girl. I was not alone in this. Every single guy I knew had the same purpose driven focus, to impress a girl! Every one of his actions had but one purpose! The clothes that we wore, the way we combed our hair, everything was for the sole reason, to make girls like us. We knew that the girl was the prize and that if we wanted to date her, we had to meet her standards. We knew if we asked her out, that meant the guy was expected to pay. It was expected for you to open doors and pull out chairs for a lady. It was expected that you would have a meaningful conversation. You see, back then, the ladies knew they were the prize period.
The Downfall of Women
What happened in the last 15-20 years or so? It's as if everything has changed! Ladies, we, meaning men, flipped the script and now we have you believing that men are the prize. How did this happen? My perspective on this comes from so many places. The images, on so called reality TV, that show young men demeaning women in a million different ways. The names that are rattled off for women in the music of today and I notice how no one even bats an eye anymore. I watch the young men and young women that I work with and see how the girls dumb themselves down and play the handout game with their pay checks. How is it now that women will do anything in the world to get a man? How is it that you will argue and fight with another woman because a man is seeing both of you? You accept that? How is it that some of you will date a guy knowing that he is a criminal and when he gets caught, you will actually take the blame for the crime and do prison time for the guy? What happened to your standards?
Cheaters, Gold Diggers and Acceptance
I had a close friend ask me, "why do guys cheat?". She stated, that almost all the guys she has dated have cheated on her. My answer to her was simple, "most men cheat because you ladies allow them to". Yes, I said, "allow them to". You see ladies, guys can only do what you allow them to do period. YOU hold all the cards. If a guy cheats on you and you accept it, stay with him or take him back in a short time, he knows that is a green light to cheat again. He now knows that, yes, you will be upset and angry but that you will eventually take him back. We, as men, meet women where they are. If we think we can get away with everything with you, we will do just that. On the other hand, if we see that you have standards and won't bend, we will respect and accept them for the most part. We know that you are the prize, but we have tricked a lot of you into thinking that we are. Who do you think came up with words like gold digger? Do you think women were sitting around one day and decided that they were gonna start calling themselves gold diggers? No, men came up with that title and similar ones. We did that so we wouldn't have to do the job, that real men are supposed to do. We knew that women are emotional beings and if we started using words like that to describe them, they would start feeling guilty. Women would begin to think, well maybe I should pay for my own meal, maybe there isn't anything wrong with me paying a guys bills. I'm an independent women who makes my own money, so why not take care of him? He will really love and respect me and never cheat on me. Wrong ladies! We, as men, don't think like that. We see this as a weakness. We think if she will pay for my meal, what else will she do? If she will pay my bills, what else will she do? If she will accept me cheating and not working, what else will she accept? You see how this thing works ladies?
Make Chivalry a Thing of the Present
Ladies chivalry is not dead, it just isn't required anymore. If you want a man to love and cherish you and make no mistake about it a REAL man wants to do that! You have to have some standards that you won't bend on. There is nothing wrong with being independent, yet dependent, on a man. Men love it, you see, men are protectors and givers by nature. Once we find a woman and fall in love, we will give them the world. In fact, our happiness comes from making you happy. We love the smile on your face when we successfully give you the things that you want and need. My wife says to me all the time, "you never buy anything for yourself!" My answer is always, "I don't care about that, I'm happy just seeing you and our daughter happy". Ladies you are the best thing that God created and we men know that. It's time that you know it again. You are the prize and you have the power. If this is ever going to be fixed, ladies it starts and ends with you. First, you must respect yourself because if you don't, no one else will. You must develop standards and requirements that you will not bend on, no matter what. Only then, will men revert back to the way it should be. This is my truth. What's yours?
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