Sunday, November 1, 2015

Dear Officer Ben Fields And Your Supporters

Posted by ~ Sheldon Redditt on 11/01/2015

By now you all have seen the videos of Deputy Ben Fields, the school resource officer who yanked a female student from her desk and slammed her to the ground before throwing her several feet across the room.  I watched in shock that a "man" would handle a little girl in this manner.  What man would do this to a woman, let alone a young girl?  This young girl posed absolutely no threat to this officer. After the story broke, people immediately began to come to the defense of this "man" and I use that term loosely.   People said that she got what she deserved and pointed out that if she would have simply followed the rules and turned in her cell phone to her teacher or Principal, then this would have never happened.  I was shocked and appalled to see a lot of parents defending the action of this Officer.  These parents repeatedly noted that kids these days are out of control, don't listen and they have no respect.  Albeit, I agree that there is a lack of discipline but this is not the way to correct the problem.  Parents reiterated that since she didn't follow the rules, she got exactly what she deserved.  But I was blown away when I read that he deserves an award. 

Victim X 2
It is really sad that in this country we seem to always victimize the victim.  Everyone seems to lead with the thought, "What did they do wrong to cause this to happen to them?".  People neglect to look at the facts, even when they are right in front of them or in this case on video.  Officer Ben Fields was fired but now he MUST be charged with abuse of a child.  As a Deputy Sheriff he took an oath to serve and protect, not to try to break a girls neck.  This young girl refused to turn in her cell phone.  That's it.  She didn't have a gun or a knife and she wasn't attacking other students.  She refused to follow a rule. Now for those of you who say this monster was justified in his actions.  You need to have your head checked.  What teenager do you know that doesn't break rules?  What teenager do you know who doesn't have a bad attitude at times?  Did you not break a rule or two when you were a teenager?  Did you not talk back a time or two, to your parents or teachers?  Did an officer come and grab you out of your desk, slam you to the ground, toss you around like a bowling ball and then arrest you?  Officers are trained to deal with these situations.  But the way Officer Fields handled this incident does not align with his training.  It is his job to be professional at ALL times.  It does not matter what that young girl said to him.  His job was to interact with her in a professional manner, period.  It blows me away that anyone could look at any of those three videos and say that he was justified in his actions.  

A Higher Standard
I recall being suspended for my behavior a couple of times when I was a Law Enforcement Officer.  One suspension followed after I had an inmate throw feces, mixed with urine, in my face.  The other suspension followed after I arrested a well known judge for driving under the influence and he spit in my face.  In both of those instances, I was suspended for 30 days without pay.  You know why? Because my superiors didn't care what the suspects did.  They were concerned about MY ACTIONS.  I was supposed to be the professional, I took the oath to serve and PROTECT.  In the words of one of my former Sergeants,  "If people didn't break the rules,  there would be no need for Law Enforcement.  Our job is to deal with people in a professional manner, period.  We are not the judge and jury."  That being said, the actions of this teenage girl should not come into play.  It doesn't really matter what she said or did.  The actions of the officer should be questioned.  She could have been cussing at him all day long for all we know, but it doesn't matter.  Question his actions.  Did he handle it in a professional manner?  His job is to deal with unruly people.  This is what he was trained for.  And to you parents who justified his actions.  Imagine if that was YOUR CHILD in that video, being yanked out of his or her desk, slammed to the ground and then tossed across the room before being arrested, not for breaking the law but a school rule.  Could you imagine all of that, simply because he or she refused to turn in their cell phone?  How would you feel then?  Would you say, well he or she got what they deserved or would you DEMAND JUSTICE?  This is my truth.  What's yours?

Monday, September 28, 2015

My Journey To All 50 States: Last Stop Maine

Posted by ~ Sheldon Redditt 09/28/2015

Childhood Dream Comes True
Soon, I can claim it! I will have visited all 50 states in my lifetime in just a few short days! "To live is to travel.", that is my wife's' favorite quote. It's a quote that we both live by. Travel is the key essential thing that started our relationship. We both had and have a love for travel. 

My love for travel started very early in life. I remember being just 7 years old when my older sister brought home a book of the 50 states and capitols. She had to learn all 50 states and capitols for a test. I was so intrigued by the fact that there were 50 of them and how big the United States actually was. I studied the states right along with her until I mastered all 50 of them in order. Today, I am still able to recite all 50 in order and in 28 seconds flat! I just timed myself lol. I remember vividly, the amazement I felt, knowing that there were 49 other states that I could visit. I remember sitting there and making a promise to myself that I would visit all 50 before I transitioned on to the next level of existence. It definitely wasn't a short lived fascination either, I recall playing with my 50 state puzzle map while my friends played with their GI Joe toys. Everyone thought I was odd. I was obsessed with traveling this country and the World. 

Embrace The Different
My wife and I were blessed to see a powerful speaker a few years ago in Arizona by the name of Rex Crain. I bring this up because he said something to the effect of, "you never know who you have in your house. You might have the next James Paterson, Bill Gates or Michael Jordan. Feed your children's dreams and even their quirkiness." Now, I'm not saying I'm any of those guys, but I am saying that my obsession or passion if you will was not something to discount, despite the fact that I was 7. Little minds go on to accomplish great things! My wife has told me numerous times that her Mom tells a similar story of her sister having a book of all 50 states. My wife says that when they climbed Diamond Head together in Hawaii, that her Mom told her that she had envisioned herself climbing it in her lifetime. Childhood dreams while she was looking through her older sisters book! You see the similarities? Our birthday's are literally a day apart! I guess we think a lot alike!

No Longer A Dream
For me to see this dream coming into a reality is truly amazing. I, along with my wife, daughter and mother-in-law, will visit my 50th state of Maine in just a few short days! My wife and daughter are just as excited. We will fly from Miami to Washington DC where we will meet my mother-in-law and then we will drive up the coast to Maine. We will visit a lot of amazing places along the way from the Liberty Bell in Philadelphia, The Statue of Liberty in New York City, Plymouth Rock in Massachusetts and perhaps take a gondola ride in Providence, Rhode Island! One of the top places I have always wanted to visit is Kennebunkport, Maine and there we will get to see former President Bush's residence. We will see the changing of the leaves in Acadia National Park and a lot of other amazing sites in between. It will be an amazing 15 day trip, capped off with my 25 year High School reunion. I feel blessed to have been able to travel to some of the most amazing places in this country. I have memories of having walked on the Salt Lakes in Utah with my Dad at 15, memories of sitting on Virginia Beach with my Mom for hours just talking about Life, singing Karaoke in New Orleans, then climbing Chimney Rock in North Carolina with my amazing wife and more recently walking on the Golden Gate Bridge with my wife and daughter. I have had too many incredible experiences to list here. 

Following My Footsteps
I was online the other night to see if I could find out who the youngest person to visit all 50 states was and it was a 7 year old boy. My daughter Hayden will have visited 24 states after this trip and she is a month shy of 4! My goal is for her to break the World Record and visit all 50 states before she turns 7. That will be pretty awesome to have her to break the World Record before 7, which is the exact age that I made a promise to myself that I would visit all 50 states. I would love it if you would join my family and I as we embark on this 15 day journey. You can follow along in my blog or you can watch as we video journal the trip LIVE on Periscope. Follow me on Periscope @TheRedditt. All aboard! Last stop Maine!

Monday, September 21, 2015

How Blessed We Are

Recently my wife, Amy, started a blog called "Never A Dull Day".  It's a blog about the joy and pain of motherhood.  Yesterday, she posted a blog that blew me away because I truly never would have thought about the Syrian Refugee Crisis from her perspective.  For me, every time I see the coverage on the news, I feel that it is sad, but I also think unless you have several million dollars to give to them there's not much an individual can do.  I never really thought about it from the perspective of how I might feel if it were my own family.  I never got into my feelings, so to speak.  Bad stuff happens every day, all over the world.  This is another bad thing.  But, it's not just another bad thing.  This is mind blowing because of the amount of displaced people.  She has received hundreds of likes and emails commending her for writing the post but also a few not so nice emails.  But, with anything that seems even remotely political, whether was the intention or not, that is to be expected.  Her heart was totally in the right place.  Please read her blog, like and share her page at and follow her on Periscope @amyredditt  And as far as the refugee crisis, there has to be something we each can do, no matter how small.  Lots of small things can add up to one huge thing, that will make a difference.


Sheldon Redditt

"How Blessed We Are"
Posted by ~ Amy Redditt on 09/20/2015

I have recently started utilizing a new form of social media, called Periscope, that was made by Twitter.  It can be a really fun way to watch people do some pretty silly stuff but there's a lot of rich content on there too, like self development type stuff.  Truthfully, one could never imagine from day to day what you might find on there.  This morning though, I was blown away by the content that I found.  There are a couple of people that are covering the Syrian refugee crisis and they are traveling with them as they struggle to find a way to get through the next border.  I watched as they sat in a ditch between two borders last night, while policemen stood guard.  They did not have any idea what their next move would be and nightfall was coming quickly.  They signed off but I will assume that they spent the night in that ditch.  This morning they shared another Periscope and they had made it across the border via some transportation  supplied for them by the receiving country.  Later, they signed on while the they were in another part of Europe, only to have Police Officers standing amongst them in what seemed to be riot gear.  

When you're a mother, all thoughts in regard to human suffering seem to take you full circle back to your own child, every time.  At least that is inherently the case for myself.  I looked over at my baby girl snuggled up next to me, sleeping so peacefully and I began to think about the defeat the parents must be feeling.   Admittedly, I do not know enough about the turmoil in Syria, but I do know enough to know that this has been said to be the largest humanitarian crisis since World War II.  So, I know enough to know that these refugees are displaced, no matter their social status or income bracket.  They just are.  These people woke up one day in their homes and could not definitively know that it was going to be their last morning to wake up in their own beds or the last night to safely tuck their sweet babies into their beds.  Our most primal instinct as a mother is to protect our children.  But what do you do when you can't?  You go into survival mode and you shield them as best as you can. But that is in all senses of the word, a failure for a parent.  No mother wants their children to HAVE to grow up faster than they already will.  

My mind goes back to an episode of "Ellen" that I saw a week or so ago, where she was interviewing Malala Yousafzai.  If you don't know of her, I implore you to look her up.  During her interview on "Ellen", I began to piece together who she was again.  I remember hearing about a young Pakistani girl, a few years ago, that was writing a blog under a pen name in an effort to share what her life was like under the rule of the Taliban while simultaneously attempting to promote education for girls.  I remember hearing that she was later shot in the face by the Taliban but survived.  She was only 15 at the time.  On "Ellen" I learned that she is now the youngest recipient of the Nobel Peace Prize for her work to promote education for girls.  I learned that she has also opened a school and is as selfless of a person than one could possibly imagine.  But what brought her to mind today was that she said, "No child should be denied the basic human right of education."  Basic human right.  That struck a cord.  I then remember seeing something in the media in regard to the amount of Syrian refugees that are children and hearing that there is a good chance that none of them will ever have a chance at receiving a formal education again in their lifetime.  Let that sink in for a minute.  Never, for the rest of their life, will they have a chance at formal education again.  We take so much for granted in this country.  But imagine for one minute that your child, YOUR CHILD, could never get a formal education again, EVER.  The chance of your child ever getting to have a real shot at a life of abundance, both of knowledge and or worldly things, is almost guaranteed to be gone.  How would you feel?  I can not even begin to explain how I would feel.  My heart aches for these people, these parents and these children.  The world is so full of injustices.

Once again, I look over at my sweet girl and brush a curl behind her tiny little ear.  I thank God for allowing us to provide a safe place for her to live and food to fill her little tummy.  I thank God that while she is not in school yet, He has provided me with the knowledge and education to be able to teach her the foundations for her later learnings.  Learnings that I KNOW she will have the privilege of getting.  I pray that the media was wrong when they said, that these displaced children have no hope of ever having a formal education again.  I pray that their parents can find homes, employment and a way of life that will allow them to breathe a little easier while their children grow and flourish.  I thank God for the roof over our heads and the peace I feel watching her sleep.  And once again, I thank God for people like Malala and those that will follow in her footsteps, that will fight for everyone's basic human rights.

Follow me on Periscope @amyredditt

Thursday, September 10, 2015

He Who Finds A Wife...

Posted by ~ Sheldon Redditt on 09/10/2015

He who finds a wife finds a good thing... Proverbs 18:22

I dedicate this blog to the one person that has given my life purpose and meaning, my lovely wife, Amy Redditt.

He who finds a wife finds a good thing: Proverbs 18:22.  As I find myself getting older and wiser, I like to think.  I find myself reflecting more and more on the things that were taught to me by my elders.  I remember my Grandfather saying that the best thing that can happen to a man is for a good woman to come into his life.   But not just any woman, but a good woman.  At 10 or 11, I didn't yet understand what in the world he was talking about or why he was telling me about girls, which I didn't even like yet. I just listened and acted like I understood so that I could get back to playing with my Puzzle map of the 50 states. (I was a weird kid)  I now find myself reflecting on that conversation and that he was teaching me the single, most important, lesson that I would ever learn in life.  Fast forward to my last conversation I had with my Grandfather.  We were at the Veterans hospital in Memphis, Tennessee and we were having a conversation about him and my Grandmother.  I was having major problems in my marriage at the time and I remember asking him how in the world he managed to stay married for over 40 years to the same person.  He was quick to respond by saying, "Sheldon, when you find a good woman, not just any woman, but a good woman; it changes EVERYTHING.  Your entire existence is about making her happy, trying to put a smile on her face, every single day.  Now there will be days when it gets rough and you will have your share of problems but not a single day should pass without you seeing that beautiful smile."  He said, "life is too short to be with someone that doesn't make you happy and vice versa.  So, if you aren't with the person that makes you WANT to make them happy, every second of the day, that's not the person for you."  Enter Amy Miranda Redditt, the most kind hearted, sweetest person I have ever met. And I am not just saying that because she happens to be my wife.  Man, since this woman has come into my life.  Wow, I get emotional just thinking about it.  Everyone should be able to have a person come into their life, whom makes them want to be better in every aspect of their life.  A person that gives their life meaning and teaches them that life is not all about them, but that true joy comes from making a difference in the lives of others and that it is important to try to bring joy to everyone they come in contact with.  Man, I feel so sorry for anyone who has never experienced half the joy in their life that I do now, every single day.  I wake up with the sole purpose of figuring out how to make this beautiful woman smile.  My friends tell me all the time, "Man!  You have really changed!  What happened?"  My response is simple, "I have found the ONE.".  I tell my friends that are women all the time, "All men can change but they are only going to change for the RIGHT ONE."  I am so thankful that I finally found the right one.  So, as we celebrate your birthday today, I want to thank you for coming into my life and giving me the honor of loving you.  That Bible verse is so true.  A man who finds a wife finds a good thing.  This is my truth.  What's yours?

Sunday, September 6, 2015

Success Is The ONLY Option

Posted by ~ Sheldon Redditt on 09/06/2015

"Success is the ONLY option. That has to be your own mindset in order to be successful."  This is the advice that I have given countless young boys and girls when they have asked me what  it takes to be successful. To this day, I continue to teach them that God gave us all a gift but it is up to us to find out what that gift is and to pursue it with passion. "How do you discover your gift?", they ask.  Well, it took me about 40 years to discover that your gift is the one thing you do the absolute best, but with the least amount of effort.  How I wish I would have discovered this 25 years ago.  I have been asked what the first step to being successful looks like and my immediate response was that you have to IMAGINE IT.  I think Einstein said it best, "Imagination is everything.  It is the preview to life's coming attractions.".  Man, I love that quote.  Do you realize how amazing it is that EVERYTHING starts with a thought?  A thought!  That's it.  You imagine it and you can make it come to fruition.  There is no such thing as a thoughtless thought. Everything in this universe began with a thought. I often use the Wright Brothers as an example.  They IMAGINED one day, that they would invent a vessel that would take people all around the world in the air.  NOW YOU IMAGINE how crazy people must have thought they were, watching them try to get a plane in the air.  This was something that had never been done before.  But those brothers were determined, they believed that they would perfect what they imagined; they believed that success was the only option.  Did they fail several times?  Of course they did!  BUT, they realized something that most of us never realize or if we are lucky, learn it much later in life like I did, learn that FAILURE IS NOT THE OPPOSITE OF SUCCESS, BUT PART OF IT.  I just started to count how many times that I have failed at something because I gave up.  The Wright Brothers never gave up.  They didn't listen to the naysayers, the haters, as we call them today; they blocked them all out.  How many times have we all failed or quit at something, simply because someone else told us that that won't work or that you can't do that or that has never been done before?  What have you given up on?  What have you imagined that you could do?  Would you try again?  Could you?  Imagine if the Wright Brothers would have listened to the naysayers.  We wouldn't have airplanes today.  I have learned not to listen to the naysayers and honestly the naysayers are often time your friends and family.  I really don't think they mean any harm most of the time but often times, they can't imagine you being anything other than that silly person that they've known since childhood.  They can't imagine anything outside of what they have been exposed.  I have learned that success is the only option for me and success isn't defined by how much money you have or what kind of car you drive or the size of your house. Success is discovering what your purpose is and why you were created.  Success is finding that gift and pursuing it everyday.  There is nothing wrong with having nice things.  When you find true success, all of that will come.  I can't imagine leaving this earth without living out my full potential.  I thank the creator that I am finally on the path of success, but I also realize that that path is always under construction.  That path is always full of obstacles and detours but I have NO DOUBT that I will arrive there.  In the words of Steve Harvey, "The only difference between successful people and non-successful people is Successful People don't give up."  They don't quit, they persevere, even when it gets hard.  And I can guarantee that it will get hard because success isn't supposed to be easy.  If success were easy, we all would be successful.  You must understand that SUCCESS IS THE ONLY OPTION. This is my truth.  What's yours?

Saturday, August 29, 2015

Gun Control: By Any Means Necessary

Posted by ~ Sheldon Redditt on 08/29/2015


Hide Yo' Kids!  Hide Yo' Wife!!!
BE AFRAID PEOPLE! BE VERY AFRAID! That's probably not a good way to start a post but I got your attention!  Gun control is the biggest debate in America right now.  Everyone is talking about it.  One side says we need more gun control.  The other side stands firm in that we don't need gun control; we need crazy people control.  Which side is right?  Which side is wrong?  Or is there something WAY more sinister brewing, in this hallowed land, than most of us could ever imagine? 

Get Er' Done! School. Church. Movies. BY ANY MEANS NECESSARY 
It is written into the history of the United States and other countries as well; when a government has an agenda to pass, they will find a way, to get er' done.  If I am the President of a country and I want to take a right away from its' citizens, what is the best way to do it?  Do I call a meeting with Senators and Congressmen and say, "Hey!  I don't like this law in the Constitution!  We need to change it."? I'd get a response of, "Change the Constitution?  Mr. President have you gone mad?"  There would be 200 press conferences in less than 30 minutes detailing the conversation they just had with the President.  So, how does the Government take away rights from their citizens?  Through FEAR.  If I want to have gun control in America, the best way to get it is to scare the shit out of the American people.  "How do I do that?" you ask.  By making it unsafe to go anywhere.  Make it unsafe for your kids to go to SCHOOL.  Make it unsafe for you and your family to go to CHURCH.  Make it unsafe for you to go to the MOVIES.  Make it unsafe for you to go to local GROCERY STORE or your local GYM.  Make it feel extremely unsafe to go ANYWHERE without fear of being killed by some crazy person with a gun. 

History Revisted, The Media Loop
"Come on Sheldon!  Do you really think our Government would go to that extreme to pass a law?"  When we wanted to invade Iraq how did we do it?  The President got on National TV and convinced the American people that Saddam Hussein was a threat, to not only the United States, but to the World as well.  So every time you turned on your TV you heard that Saddam did this or Saddam did that!  "Saddam has weapons of mass destruction!  Saddam is gonna use those weapons of Mass destruction on us if we don't destroy him first."  This was played over and over in the media until the American people were sold on the idea that we got to go get this maniac and kill him before he releases those weapons of mass destruction.  So what did America do?  We invaded that country and killed Saddam Hussein and we are still trying to find those weapons of mass destruction.  It had NOTHING to do with weapons and everything to do with OIL.  Saddam was an evil person, so I'm not shedding any tears for him, but my point is the government sold that lie to the American people and it worked big time!  

The President Is Coming For Your Guns
The President wants gun control period.  Every time there is a tragedy in America involving guns he gets on National TV and says we need gun control.  In fact, in a interview he did a couple of hours prior to the MOVIE shooting in Louisiana, the President was asked what one thing he wishes he could accomplish before leaving office and his answer was gun control.  

And You Thought The Jedi Mind Tricks Were Only In The Movies
Now let's talk about these, so called, crazy people that are killing all of these innocent American people.  I believe and again this is my personal opinion; I believe a lot of these crazies are plants by the government.  WAIT... What?  Are you saying that the American government would hire people to kill innocent Americans just to pass a gun law?  Why yes!  Yes, I am!  I told you earlier to be very afraid!  Enter PROJECT MK ULTRA, better known as the CIA's mind control program.  Google it.  Don't take my word for it.  This program was designed to get people to do whatever they wanted them to do, by controlling their minds.  They used numerous methodologies to manipulate their subject's mental state and alter brain functions.  This was done in over 80 institutions and over 185 private researchers participated in this project.  We have all seen the movie, The Manchurian Candidate, unfortunately it's very real.  We live in a country where most people love their guns and the fundamental rights of this land include, the right to bear arms.  But, we also live in a country where the most powerful man, our President wants to pass a gun control law.  So, how should he do it? He could possibly seek out people who may already have some documented mental issues and give them mind altering drugs to control their minds.  Then he could get them to do whatever he wants.  If what he wants is for this person to kill innocent people in a movie or a school, so be it.  People will eventually be so terrified that they will run to the government and demand that they do something about these guns.  Americans will say that it's not safe to go anywhere.  They will say that they're afraid to leave their homes without fear of being killed by a gun.  Lo and behold, gun control laws are now on a ballot!  The American citizens vote on it pass it and the President gets what he wants and the public thinks it was their idea.  I told you earlier they want gun control by ANY MEANS NECESSARY.  These tragedies will continue to happen in my opinion.  I've been saying it for years. We have to stop being distracted by all the silly stuff on TV and pay attention to what's really going on. They won't have to enforce martial law if they can get you to give up your rights on your own accord.  Martial Law would be too messy and would not look good to other countries, so if real life Jedi Mind Tricks work, I can control you and you not know it. That's a win win for everyone. It's gun control today.  What will it be tomorrow? This is my truth what's yours?

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

The Real Appeal Of Donald Trump

Posted by ~ Sheldon Redditt on 08/26/2015

What is the appeal of Donald Trump?  How is it that he is the leading Republican nominee?  Do you think he will win?  These are all of the questions that I am asked by people, ranging from a 16 year old brainiac kid that I mentor, that I swear will be the next Bill Gates, to my baby boomer father-in-law. Everywhere I go, EVERYBODY wants to talk Donald Trump and what's his appeal.  Well, I have the answer to that question.  Wait for it...Donald Trump is an arrogant, egotistical, self-centered JERK, whom is saying what a lot of people truly believe but are too afraid to say.  That's it.  I could end the blog with that but what fun would that be?  Let's go a little deeper shall we?  You see, most people secretly love a good Jerk.  An arrogant A-hole jerk at that.  Why do you think the High School jock that was a complete jerk had all the girls and all the guys wanted to be his friend?  Why does one find the coworker or boss, whom is a super jerk, so sexy or intriguing?  It's something about an arrogant jerk that makes most of us want to get to know them a little better.  How do I know this, you ask?  It's simple, because I used to be a jerk.  No, I used to be a super jerk.  I'm talking Kanye West JERK and the more of a jerk I was to people, the more people wanted to be around or to get to know me.  I remember years ago, when Amy and I were working together and I was being a super jerk to someone, she said to me, "I don't like you and you are the biggest jerk I have ever met.".  I remember saying, "Thank you!" and her responding, "Thank you? For calling you a jerk?  And by the way, you're not cute either.".  No, maybe she said I was ugly, but let's be honest, I'm no Denzel Washington.  I'm maybe a 5 1/2, okay, a good 6, on a good day.  Did I just rate myself? lol.  Amy and I have been married for over 7 years now, so I rest my case.  People love a good jerk, even if they aren't cute lol. So, okay, back to Trump.  Donald speaks his mind.  If you ask him about immigration, he gives you his truth.  You talk crap to him, he talks crap back.  If he thinks you are stupid, he has no problem letting you know it.  You see, most of us are a lot like him, if we are honest with ourselves.  How many times have you thought about giving your coworker or boss a piece of your mind?  How many times have you had a very strong opinion about a certain topic and when someone disagreed with you, you wanted to tell them that they were the dumbest piece of crap you have ever seen?  I won't even mention the stupid posts on social media websites that you so want to comment on, but think better of it.  Well that isn't the case with Donald Trump, he says whatever he feels, without apologies.  And if he has changed his mind on an issue, he will simply state that he used to feel that way but has since changed his mind.  Isn't that what we really want from our politicians, a person that is gonna say what they mean and mean what they say?  We want a politician whom won't back paddle on issues because it isn't popular at the time.  See, that is the appeal of Donald Trump.  He doesn't give an F and a lot of people love it.  He says he can't be bought because he is a billionaire and therefore he doesn't take any money from lobbyists.  He says that would make him a more effective President because he can't be bought.  People are buying into that.  They want a President who will make real change and not just give us change.  That wasn't a subliminal shot at President Obama.  Well maybe a little, but whatever.  The American People want a President that will stand up to people who won't be an appeaser.  They want a President that won't back paddle on issues and will say to the countries of the world, "Hey!  Our trade agreements with you suck and business as you know it is gonna change.  It's gonna be 50/50 from here on out, not 80/20 or 70/30.  You aren't gonna sell all your cars here and we only send you wheat.  That's not a fair trade exchange."  Or a President that will say to these countries, "we are not gonna protect your country for free.  Your economy is stronger than ours, so guess what if you want America to protect you, then you have to pay us."  We are trillions of dollars in debt to other countries, so we can't afford to do anything for free!  We can't be the police for the entire World with nothing in return.  Now, is Donald Trump the answer for America?  Will he win? And what most people really want to know is whether he will get my vote.  Probably not, but..... If you would have asked me that question 3 months ago, my answer would have been a big Hell No.  This is my truth!  What's yours?

Monday, May 11, 2015


Updated on 09/02/2015

"That's why I am headed to Ferguson with this German luger
Cause I'm probably more like Nelson Mandela than Martin Luther
More like Ice T than Ice Cube, I'm a cop killer
Murder all the cops, then the cops will probably stop killin'"
Lyrics from the song, "The Purge" by- The Game

I have gotten a lot of emails about the fallen officers. However, as I was starting to write, my wife suggested that I should repost "Purge" because unfortunately it was dead on. My condolences go out to the families of all of the fallen Officers.

Posted by Sheldon Redditt on 05/11/2015

"Until they stop killing us, we should just kill every cop we see. They kill one of us, we kill two of them. That's the only way these pigs are gonna see that we are serious." Hearing such a radical statement, you would most certainly think it came from a radical extremist right? Wrong! These words were coming from the mouth of a mere 16 year young boy. NO! They came from a 16 year old BLACK BOY!  I was invited to speak to some at risk youth in Louisiana a few weeks ago and unfortunately, that was the sentiment from all of them. 

AMERICA, these young men are more than sick and tired of the police killing them.  One young man told me that he has lost all hope and doesn't care if he lives or dies.  Let's just ponder that statement for a second.  At 16 years old, this young baby has given up all hope. He doesn't believe that life can get better.  Is this Sudan or America?  I asked the young men how all of the latest killings of black men make them feel.  I would say about 90% of them said that it made them want to Purge, to just go and tear shit up and kill people.  One young man asked me if I had heard the song, "Purge", by the rap artist, The Game.  I told him that I have seen the movie, "Purge" and that I know who The Game is but that I hadn't heard that particular song.  All the young men said that I should listen to the song because it's how almost all black men feel in America.  I told them that I would listen to the song.  As the lecture went on I asked the young men a series of questions.  One question I asked was how they felt when the two innocent police officers were gunned down in New York City.  Most of the young men stated either that they were happy or they didn't feel anything at all.  An overwhelming majority of them thought the officers got what they deserved.  I guess I can't say that I was stunned by this revelation due to being a former Law Enforcement Officer.  I knew that most younger people don't like cops, but as I dug deeper the boys really began to open up.  One young man stood up and said that he didn't feel sorry for the cops or their families, just like the cops don't feel sorry for our families when they murder us in cold blood. The young man went on to tell me that ALL cops are the same and the ones that aren't just go along with the bad ones. So they are just as guilty. The young man explained it like this to me.  He stated that he had 4 other siblings and that when one of them did something wrong and no one would fess up to it; his mother would punish all five of them.  Now his point was four of them are innocent but they all got punished for what one person did. He explained that it's the same way with the cops.  They see some of us doing wrong so they assume that all of us are doing wrong, so they harass all of us, not just some.  We are fed up with this, so if a cop gets killed, then good.  We stereotype them just as they have us for so many years.  So, all cops aren't bad but let's KILL them all because we don't have time to distinguish the good ones from the bad ones. 

The Oath, Protect and Serve
America our Black men are tired of being gunned down in the streets by cops.  I get so sick of seeing people take to social media every time a Black man is murdered by a cop to say, "Well, black people kill each other more than cops do.".  Do you know how stupid that sounds?  The real issue is that these young black men are being killed by the very people that took an oath to protect them.  We all should feel safe when we see a Police Officer, not the opposite.  No person in this country should wonder if this is the day that I am going to get killed by a cop.  After another hour of talking to the young men, I laid out my plan on what needs to happen between police officers and inner-city youth.  I explained that we have to start a dialogue not a monologue, where both sides are heard.  I also stated that body cameras for cops should be mandatory.  I explained to the youth that most cops are not bad, but I agree that the goods one have to hold the bad ones accountable.  The cops that cover for the bad ones ARE just as guilty.  

It's The Same Everywhere
As I left Louisiana, I listened to the song, "Purge", by The Game, on repeat.  America, our black youth are tired of injustice, they feel they have no hope and I have always believed that the most dangerous person in the World is a person with no HOPE.  They have already begun to Purge in certain cities already and I believe, No I know, it's only gonna get worse if we don't fix it.  When I returned home, I spoke to my boys about the song "Purge" and asked if they had heard it.  Most of them had and I asked them what they thought about it and whether they agreed with the lyrics.  Most of them feel like the kids in Louisiana felt, that cops are the scum of the Earth and said they weren't sad when innocent cops are killed. 

Let's End This War Before It's Too Late
America we have a problem.  In the song, The Game talks about going and killing innocent people in Beverly Hills so they could see how we feel.  He stated that America doesn't pay attention unless it is white blood being shed, so let's make them pay attention.  These young black men feel that they are at WAR and that everything is fair in war, so if they have to go and kill innocent white people for them to see that they aren't playing, so be it.  Maybe then, America will pay attention.  As one of the young men said to me, no war has ever been won without a lot of blood being shed by innocent people.  He said, the only way that a war ends is when both sides get fed up with innocent people dying and they come together and call a truce and agree that we will stop killing your people if you stop killing ours.  He explained that it's one sided now.  But let's make the killing equal on both sides, then they will listen. As I said before, a person without any hope is the most dangerous person in the World. America, these young men feel like they have no hope.  What are we gonna do about it?  If we do nothing, they are gonna PURGE.  And we all lose if that happens.  This is my truth. What's yours?

*****To book the author for a speaking engagement, contact or call 901-605-7717

Author's Note:  As I finished writing this post, I found out that two Officer's were shot and killed in Hattiesburg, MS, this past weekend.  I send my condolences to the families of, Officer Benjamin Deen and Officer Liquori Tate.  

Update: Today is September 2, 2015.  I am sad to report that The Purge has become even more of a reality since the time of my original posting. Lt. Joe Gliniewicz was gunned down yesterday right outside of Chicago, IL.  My condolences go out to his family and friends as well as to all of the family and friends of the Officers listed below.

Saturday, March 21, 2015

Cancer: Murder by the Medical Mafia

Posted by ~ Sheldon Redditt on 03/21/2015


Murder for hire, anyone?  It seems that's what many Americans are doing these days.  Only the target could very well be, themselves.  According to The American Cancer Society, in 2014 over 585,000 Americans died from cancer.  I wonder how many of these patients actually had cancer?  You see, there is a growing number of sick doctors who are knowingly, yes I said KNOWINGLY, diagnosing or misdiagnosing patients with CANCER when they know the patient doesn't have Cancer at all.  What reason would any doctor falsely diagnosis a patient with cancer you ask?  For money.  These evil doctors are killing innocent people just to make a buck. 

Payable in Life And On Death
Dr. Farid Fata who was a prominent Oncologist in Michigan has plead guilty to intentionally and wrongfully diagnosing HEALTHY PEOPLE with Cancer.  Dr. Fata also admitted to giving these patients chemotherapy drugs just to make a profit.  This deranged doctor even told one patient, whom didn't have cancer, that she should start chemotherapy anyway because chemotherapy prevents you from getting cancer.  Dr. Fata collected over 91 million dollars from Medicare between 2007 and 2013.  One patient recollected that at the end of every monthly visit with Dr. Fata, he would reiterate to her that she was still terminal.  She states that she would scramble to take trips with her grandkids so that they could have memories of her.  She watched her husband go through depression.  They found themselves giving away their personal possessions to make things easier after death, only to find out it was all a lie.  Another patients' son tells how his dad whom didn't have cancer died after two years of taking chemotherapy drugs prescribed by Dr. Fata.  The chemotherapy left him with a weakened his immune system.  He stated that his Dad suffered a lot from taking the drugs but that Dr. Fata kept prescribing the drugs while being fully aware that his father was in pain.  This so-called doctor didn't stop there, not only did he falsely diagnose healthy  people, he found a way to pad his bank account every step of the way until their demise.  It floored me when I learned that he also received kickbacks for sending his formerly healthy patients to certain hospice facilities to die.  This doctor served over 1200 patients during his Oncological career in America.  I wonder how many lost their life because of his greed.  I hope that he finds himself looking at life without parole, when he is sentenced in May. 

The Buck Doesn't Stop With Dr. Fata
Unfortunately, this is not just a isolated incident.  According to some doctors, this is becoming a common trend.  Dr. Christine Daniel of California was sentenced to 14 years in prison for claiming that she had a miracle drug that cured cancer.  This poor excuse for a doctor charged hundreds of thousands of dollars to patients claiming that her concoction of sunscreen preservatives, beef extract and other ingredients would cure cancer.  Dr. Daniel even threw a party for one of her patients, stating that the patient had been cured of cancer, knowing full well that the cancer had never ceased to spread.  The patient died soon afterward.  There are countless stories about doctors who misdiagnose patients purposely for money.  Please be careful!   I can not stress enough the importance of ALWAYS, ALWAYS getting a second and third opinion.  Take your Medical records with you to compare them with each doctor's diagnosis.  I wonder how many people that are diagnosed with cancer really have cancer at all.  These sick doctors are the Medical Mafia killing for dollars.  This is the truth.  If you know of any more similar stories, please feel free to share.  I can not stress the importance of getting this information out to the world.  I would suggest that an individual not even tell a doctor, from which you are seeking a second opinion, that you've been diagnosed with cancer.  We can only rely on ourselves to keep ourselves safe and healthy.  Don't allow yourself or someone you love to become a statistic of greed.

Saturday, February 28, 2015

2 Years, 3 Months, 26 Days and 11 Hours (Part 5, The Conclusion)

Posted on 02/28/2015

Yokosuka, Japan, Naval Base, Day of Release, 1994
Four Marines rush into the room and I was sure I was about to go back to jail. The Commander waved them off and told them everything was okay.  What a sigh of relief. "Lance Corporal Redditt, I can't begin to imagine what you went through and I know this is a lot being thrown at you right now, but this is the decision that was made."  "Sir, I..."  "Marine!  Don't interrupt me.  I'm not finished.  I know you are upset now, but trust me, you will thank me later.  If we discharge you now it would be a bad conduct discharge.  And we don't have grounds for discharging you in that manner because you weren't convicted of a crime in America and the crimes in Japan were misdemeanors.  So we have no grounds to discharge you, period."  After about a hour I calmed down and I asked the Commander if I could at least go home on leave to see my son.  "Lance Corporal Redditt, you and I both know if I allow you to go home on leave you won't come back. You would be AWOL and then you would get a dishonorable discharge.  Lance Corporal, you have been through so much.  And yes, this was a terrible experience, but why mess up the rest of your life by going AWOL?  You may hate me now, but trust me, years down the line you will thank me."  I didn't know it then, but those were some of the truest words ever spoken.  

Palm Beach Gardens, FL, February 28, 2015
24 years later and some of the mental scars still remain.  I still can't stand to hear people whistle.  It actually drives me insane.  It takes me back to every time Hitler, Stalin or Punk ass whistled.  I heard a whistle and I knew an ass whooping was coming.  Today, I have a lot of family members and friends that whistle.  That leaves me with one mission, stop the whistling!  I came up with a good method a few years ago on how to deal with it.  Every time a person whistles, I engage them in conversation so that they would talk instead of whistle. It works 95 percent of the time.  The other 5 percent?  I find an excuse to leave!  It's amazing that after so many years that still affects me.  I still can't sleep in a room if the door isn't locked.  I never sleep in a bedroom with the door being open.  I still feel the need to be able to prepare myself if someone were to come in while I am sleeping.  This used to drive my wife crazy.  I have gotten better about letting people touch me.  I am still an extreme germaphobe, but I am better about shaking hands and letting people touch me.  My wife can even wake me up now by touching me, instead of calling my name repeatedly because I would freak out if she touched me to wake me.  It is and has definitely been a process but the scars are healing.

Iwakuni & Yokosuka, Japan, 1994 & early 1995
I went back into the Marine Corps and I served my time in Iwakuni, Japan, doing the job that I was assigned to do.  And I must say this, I did my job phenomenally well, perhaps better than anyone that had ever held that position before or after me.  But I'll tell you what, it is unreal how God works.  Three months after I was released from Prison, I stepped back inside the walls of the Yokosuka Prison to come face to face with Punk ass, Stalin and Hitler again.  There is no other explanation other than, it had to be God....  

To be continued in my book.  Release date will be announced here first!

Copyright February 2015 by Sheldon Redditt

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

2 Years, 3 Months, 26 Days and 11 Hours (Part 4)

Posted on 02/17/2015

I dedicate this blog to Gunnery Sergeant Richard Mennifield. 

Gunnery Sergeant Richard Mennifield is the single most important person I have met on this level of existence.  I would not be the Sheldon Redditt, that I am today,  had it not been for this man.  I have been looking for this man since September of 2007.  I searched and searched and searched and I never could find him.  Part 4 was halfway written when I received word that Staff Sergeant Mennifield had passed in February of 2007.  He made Gunnery Sergeant before he retired from the Marine Corps.  The news of his passing hit me like a ton of bricks. I NEVER cry when people pass because I fully understand that is part of Life.  We all will pass on to the next level of existence, but I believe that on the next level, we continue to exist.  That being said, I took his passing really hard.  This was the man who saved my life. This man totally changed my way of thinking.  He ignited the spark in me.  He helped me to begin to see and judge people for who they are and not for the color of their skin.  You see, without Gunnery Sergeant Mennifield, there would be no Amy or Hayden because I hated white people at the time.  My life would be totally different if I hadn't met this man.  I know I am rambling but when I got the news of his passing, I had to rewrite Part 4.  Truly one of my biggest regrets in life is that I never got a chance to see you again, to thank you for all that you did for me and let you know all that you meant to me.  There is not enough time or paper to fully explain how much you meant to me, but I will try my best to honor you in my book.

Yokosuka, Japan 1994 
Today is the big day!  I am finally being released from this Japanese Prison.  I made it.  I am looking in the mirror shaving.  Wow I really made it.  I hardly recognize the man in the mirror.  I think this is the first time I have really looked at myself.  I am a fraction of the man I used to be, both physically and mentally.  I have lost 120 pounds, aged about 15 years physically, as well as mentally.  The tears come uncontrollably.  All the beatings, all the days of being so hungry that I thought I would die, the mental abuse was about to be over.  I get to go home today.  I get to see my son Ryan soon.  He is the only person that I care about anymore. Everyone else is dead to me.  I am still filled with a lot of anger.  I will be back on American soil real soon.  I will kiss the ground when I get back.  People can say what they want about America but I tell you what.  People have no idea how fucked up it is in other countries.  You have zero rights and you are guilty until proven innocent, not the other way around.  These are my thoughts as I am waiting for The Marine Corps to pick me up.  The Marine Corps arrived around 10:00 am to pick me up.  I was never so happy to see another human being or two human beings in this case.  I needed a moment to take it all in.  This was my first time outside of this walls in over 2 years.  The Marines had a ton of questions but I couldn't even talk.  I think at that moment it really hit me what all I had gone through and that I had survived it.  The mental scars would last for another 24 years but physically, I am FINALLY safe. 

Palm Beach Gardens, FL, February 17th 2015
I'm sitting in my office as I'm writing and I am thanking God for not only keeping me throughout that experience but also that I am not in a mental institution.  I now know that God was preparing me for that experience in advance.  I became a vegetarian about 2 months before I went to prison and still am to this day.  Becoming a vegetarian prior to my imprisonment, allowed me to have discipline when it came to food.  But what if God had not prepared me for that?  I would have surely starved to death. There were plenty of nights that I went to bed hungry because I knew that something was put in my food.  I would have rather starved than to drink piss or even worse.  I began to learn a lot about Religion and History prior to going in and that truly helped me.  The one positive thing about being in there was that they would let you read.  That was a LIFE SAVER.

Yokosuka, Japan, Day of Release, 1994
I am riding in the car with the two Marines that picked me up, just taking it all in.  One Marine asked me, "Lance Corporal Redditt,"  I haven't heard that title in awhile.  "Can I ask you just one question? Is it really as bad in there as they say it is?"  "It is much much worse.", I tell him.  "Imagine the worst thing you can imagine and multiply that by ten.  That's how horrible it was in there."  We arrive at base and I am immediately taken to the Commanding Officers' Office.  "Lance Corporal Redditt", he began to say, "I understand that you have been through a terrible experience."  "Sir, that is a understatement, but I just want to put this behind me and get back home.  So what time is my flight leaving today to get me back to the United States?"  His answer floored me.  "Lance Corporal Redditt, you still owe The Marine Corps time.  You see, you were only charged with misdemeanor charges, so you have to go back into the Marine Corps and not only serve the rest of your time, but you have to make up the time that you missed while you were locked up in the Japanese Prison."  My heart dropped.  I can't believe what I am hearing I know this mother..... didn't say what I think he just said.  "EXCUSE ME, SIR!  I know you are FUCKING kidding me right?  I know damn well you are not telling me that after 2 years, 3 months, 26 days and 11 hours in a fucking hell hole, that you are telling me I can't go home."  "Calm down Lance Corporal? Fuck calming down!  You need to get me a fucking flight back to America right the fuck now!  I can't believe that you would say some bullshit like that to me!  After I have....." Four Marines rush into the room.  In that moment, I knew I had really Fucked up. 

To be Continued.....

Copyright February 2015 by Sheldon Redditt

Monday, February 9, 2015

2 Years, 3 Months, 26 Days and 11 Hours (Part 3)

Posted on 02/09/2015

"Man!  This Jodeci CD is nice!  "Forever My Lady" and "Stay" are my favorite cuts."  I am talking to my boys; Parker, Heard and Yates.  We are sitting in Heards' and I room, talking about our girlfriends.  "I'm about to go call my girl right now", I remember Heard saying.  Minutes later, I hear a knock on the door.  Parker turned the music down so that I can answer the door.  It was Staff Sergeant Minnifield.  "What's going on Staff Sergeant?  What did we do now?"  The look on his face told me that something was seriously wrong.  "Redditt, the Japanese have decided to charge you."  WAIT WHAT?  "Charge me for what?  I didn't do shit!"  "Redditt, they are charging you with leaving the scene of a crime, resisting arrest, attempted assault on a police officer and disorderly conduct."  "You can't be serious Staff Sergeant."  But the look on his face told it all.  "Redditt, the Japanese also believe that you guys are a flight risk, so they want to take you guys into custody immediately."  "How in the hell did a day of listening to music in my barracks turn into this?", I remember thinking.  "The Marine Corps told the Japanese that we would take you into custody and that we would lock you up in our jail on Camp Hansen.  So I'm gonna need you to pack up some things, so I can take you up to Camp Hansen to jail."

Yokosuka, Japan, sometime in 1994 
Oh how my life has changed since that dreadful day.  I am in Solitary Confinement again for 30 more glorious days.  "This is it, God, I can't take it anymore.  You say you answer prayers. So, why the fuck aren't you answering mine?  I am sick of this bullshit!  Either you answer my prayers or tonight I'm taking this fucking sheet and I'm hanging myself."  These are my words, as I am sitting Indian style, facing and talking to the wall, the tears continue flowing down my face.  One of the prisoners committed suicide yesterday and Punk ass thought it was funny.  "Redditt San, when are we gonna find you hanging?", he says laughing.  "You are a Bitch you know that?  When I was whooping your ass you were screaming like a bitch but now you want to be tough in front of your goons?"  Damn!  I fall into his trap.  The trap that I said I wouldn't fall into again.  After the last 60 day stint, I decided that was it for me.  But here I am again for 30 days for disrespecting Punk ass. 

Okinawa, Japan, sometime in 1992
"1 year and 9 months of hard labor", the judge said.  I stood there in shock as the judge was rambling on for what seem like hours.  How the hell did 4 misdemeanor charges turn into almost 2 fucking years in prison?  These same charges in the US would have been dropped or I would have got a pat on the wrist at most.  Unfortunately we are in Japan and not America.  So for our "crimes", I got 1 year and 9 months.  My other buddy got 2 years for robbing the cab driver and my other two buddies didn't get charged at all, nor should they have.  I truly believe that the Japanese offered the Americans a deal.  I believe they said, "give us two and we will let two go.".  But, that is my opinion.  I have no proof of that.  The Japanese police took my buddy and myself into custody immediately.  As we arrive at the jail in Okinawa, the two investigators greet us.  "I told you, you would pay.  You are ours now."  A right hook to the face.  Damn!  What a greeting.   I'm here less than one minute and I'm already getting my ass whooped.  I see why they say the life expectancy for an American is less than 6 months.  "You were very disrespectful when we were interviewing you, Redditt San.  I promise you, we will teach you some respect here."

Yokosuka, Japan, 1994 
"Redditt San, your brother tried to visit you and we told him, "No!"."  Punk ass begins to tell me, grinning from ear to ear.  Unbeknownst to me at the time, my brother was stationed in Yokosuka, Japan, in the Navy.  "Wow, my brother!", I thought.  I almost forgot I had a brother or family for that matter.   Let  me back up and explain.  You see, in Japan, you can't have personal visits and you can only write or receive 1 to 4 letters a month, depending on your behavior. Needless to say, I only ever received 5 letters the entire time I was locked up.  So, I was disconnected from my family and friends.  "Fuck him!  I don't want to see him or any of them for that matter!  I have been here for almost two fucking years and I haven't heard from them.  Only one letter from my Mom, two from my sister and two from my step mom.  So, they all can kiss my ass!"  I am angry at the world at this point.  "I just can't understand how everyone has forgotten about me.  Ok no, no don't go there," I tell myself.  "What is the goal? To get out of here alive!  So we have no time to dwell on what is or isn't going on in the outside world.  Stay focused.  I miss my son so much!  I haven't seen him in almost 3 years. He was 2 months the last time I saw him.  Now he is...let's see.  Wow!  He just turned 3.  I wonder what he looks like now.  I wonder if he is..." "Redditt San!"  My thoughts are interrupted by Punk ass.  "You know you aren't gonna make it out of here alive, right?  We are gonna wait until it's almost time for you to leave and than we are gonna kill you.", he breaks into laughter.  Punk ass being Punk ass.  He has being making these statements since I have been here.  They don't even faze me anymore.  Back to my thoughts, "if I stay focused and don't let him get to me, I will be out of here in about 5 months.  8 more days and I will be out of Solitary confinement."  Yesterday Punk Ass really tried to test me by bringing a picture of my son to me and tearing it up right in my face.  "Redditt San", he said, "you have mail!  It's a picture of your son!"   He stands there tearing it up, without even showing it to me.  "This low down motherfucker!  I haven't seen my son in almost 3 years!  I wouldn't know him from Adam if I saw him and the one picture that I do receive...this devil rips it up in my face!  Stay calm, Sheldon, this is only a test.  I tell myself, I will not let him get to me. 

5 months later.... 
Tomorrow is the big day.  I am finally getting out of here. 2 years 3 months 26 days and 11 hours. I am finally free. I am going home!"  Or so I thought... The bullshit that happens next..... To be continued....

Copyright February 2015 by Sheldon Redditt

Saturday, January 31, 2015

2 Years, 3 Months, 26 Days and 11 Hours (Part 2)

Posted on 01/31/2015

July 1992, Okinawa, Japan
As I came to, I was in a Japanese jail.  "What the hell is going on?", I asked the Japanese Prison Guard.  No answer.  A couple of hours passed and my Staff Sergeant, along with another Marine Corps representative arrived and bailed us out of jail.  

Sometime in late 1993, Yokosuka, Japan
Getting bailed out seems like decades ago, I think as I am sitting here in Solitary Confinement for the 4th time.  This time, I got 60 glorious days for beating the shit out of Punk ass.  I finally caught him by himself and whooped his ass for what seemed like a good 30 seconds before his goons showed up.  I hate Punk ass the most out of all of the Japanese Prison Guards. You see, whereas Hitler, Stalin and the rest of the guards were ruthless, they were indiscriminate in passing out the ass whippings.  EVERYONE got a beating from them.  And I mean EVERYONE had a turn, unless you were willing to give sexual favors to them.  Punk ass, on the other hand, only fucked with me.  So, imagine how happy I was to finally get him alone and beat the crap out of him!  He had it coming this time, for real!  The night before, Punk ass ejaculated into my food after masturbating.  Or at least, that's what he told me the prior evening after picking up my meal tray.  I can still remember the smile on his face when he told me what he had done.  I think I vomited for what seems like hours.  Whether he did or didn't, I was determined that when the opportunity presented itself, I was gonna beat the living shit out of him.  "YOU PUNK ASS MOTHERFUCKER!!!!!  Who is laughing now?", I recall saying while I punched him in his face.  I stomped and kicked him as he hit the ground.  I heard the guards running in to save him.  Damn!  Why didn't I grab his radio first?  It has his body alarm on it!  That's all I could think as I listened to the sound of their footsteps.  That and hit him harder and faster.  In my eagerness to get my revenge on Punk Ass, I didn't think to grab his radio first, so he couldn't activate his body alarm.  Ok, they got me.  Now my beating will begin.  God what has happened to me?  I have turned into the animal that I so despise.  These are my thoughts as I sit in Solitary Confinement.  God, I am turning into a monster and I need your help.  This is my prayer, as the tears begin to pour down my face.  If you let me make it out of here alive, I promise I will dedicate my life to helping others.  I will serve you and do your will in whatever capacity that may be.  If you...  Redditt San!  I hear the Japanese guard call my name. It's funny how they always call you Mr., like they have respect for you or something.  It's shower time the guard informed me with a slight grin on his face.  I know that look.  Something is up.  As I get to the shower, Hitler and Stalin, along with two other guards, were waiting for me.  I didn't even let out a scream, as Hitler hit me with the electric baton.  They all begin to beat the crap out of me.  Revenge for whooping Punk ass.  I must have whooped him good, judging by the way they are whooping my ass.  Now that I think about it, I haven't seen Punk ass in a while.  "Baka Kokujin", I hear them all say which means (stupid black) or (stupid nigger) in Japanese.  As they continue to kick, stomp and hit me with the electric baton, I hear Hitler tell the other guards, "No face shots, the Gaijin (foreigners) will be here next week.".  Under the Sofa Status Agreement that America has with Japan, the Marine Corps is allowed to come and visit any Marine that is locked up in a Japanese prison or jail one time per month.  The Japanese guards always knew when they were coming, so usually a week prior to them coming, the beating would stop.  So, usually you were safe for at least one week out of the month.  Oh how I live for the last week in the month!  The Marine Corps always came on the first of the month.  We always beg them to come unannounced so they can see what really goes on.   But, we are always met with the same answer, "The Japanese dictate the day that we can come.".  Great for me.  

July, 1992 Okinawa, Japan
I had no idea what was waiting for me down the line when my Staff Sergeant and the Marine Corps Representative picked us up from the Okinawa jail.  "What the hell happened?", I remember my Staff Sergeant asking us.  We all repeated the same story.  "We just ran, Staff Sergeant!"  My Staff Sergeant began telling us that the Japanese Authorities believe that we are part of a ring of foreigners whom have been robbing Japanese citizens around town.  "I know you are guilty!", the Japanese investigators scream at me.  "You Gaijin come to our country and rob our hard working citizens.  You will pay!  Mark my words, you will pay!"  "Sir, there is a serious misunderstanding.", I begin to say to the investigator.  "My friends and I are not the people that have been robbing people in town.  We simply took a (honcho) cab back to base.  We just saw our buddy starting to run, so we ran too.  So yes, I guess we are guilty of running, but that's it.  You can put me in a line up, since you say you have witnesses and they will clear us of any wrong doing.  We didn't fucking do this shit!"  "Calm down.", I hear my Staff Sergeant say.  We head home for the day and for the next 2 weeks we went back for questioning.  The investigator finally believed our story.  Thank God we can finally put this mess behind us and go on with our lives.  At least, that's what we thought.  Nothing or no one could have prepared me for what happened to us just 5 days after leaving that police station for what we thought was our last time.  To be continued.....

Copyright January 2015 by Sheldon Redditt 

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

2 Years, 3 Months, 26 Days and 11 Hours, My Journey To Death And Back(Part 1)

Posted on 01/20/2015

2 YEARS, 3 MONTHS, 26 DAYS and 11 HOURS.  That was the amount of time that I spent in a Japanese prison.  Wow, I finally got it out after 24 years, I finally got it out.  This is my journey to death and back.  I hope that this story will inspire you to never give up.  No matter what, to NEVER GIVE UP.  I have waited 24 years to tell my story.  No longer ashamed.  No longer ashamed. 

Okinawa, Japan, the Year was 1993 
I hear the whistling.  I hear the sound of the electric baton.  God, please not me again tonight.  Last night was too much.  I can still taste and smell Hitler's urine as he and Stalin along with Punk ass stuck my head in the toilet.  After fighting with the three of them for what seem like hours they finally got the best of me.  As Stalin and Punk ass were holding me, Hitler thought it was a good idea to piss in the toilet and soak my face in it.  Ok, let's get this over with already.  Two hours later and Punk ass is still whistling.  It's a mental game at this point.  They like to see you suffer mentally first before the physical abuse starts.  I got a little surprise for their asses if it is me again tonight.  I have poured water mixed with my urine all over the floor so if and when they do come in to get me, I will have the jump on them.  Sure, eventually they will over power me and beat the living shit out of me but I will get some good punches in and enjoy the brief satisfaction of knowing that they got a taste of their own medicine.  Shit!  Showtime, it's me again tonight.  I jump out of bed as soon as I hear the key go into the lock.  As Stalin comes running in first, he slips along with the other two and I begin my attack.  I hit Stalin with a good right left combination.  Lights out.  I don't remember what happened next.  I do remember waking up with....  WAIT!  Let me back up for a second. 

Hitler, Stalin and Punk Ass were the nicknames that we gave to the Japanese Prison Guards. You see, for 2 years, 3 months, 26 days and 11 hours, I was held in a Japanese Prison.  Yes, I said Japanese prison.  FOR WHAT IS THE QUESTION RIGHT?  I will get to that later.  Back to my story, so as I come to, Hitler and Punk ass were holding me while Stalin punched, kicked and hit me with the electric baton.  Afterward, he thought it was a pretty good idea to piss and spit on me for giving him a brief taste of his own medicine.  As I lay here going in and out of consciousness, I asked God, "How did I get here?".  Better yet, "WHAT DID I DO TO DESERVE THIS?".  I don't know how long I laid on that floor bleeding and smelling like piss, but I eventually mustered up enough energy to get up and wash myself up as best I could.  Damn!  I just remembered I had a shower today, so it will be another 2 days before I will get another one.  We were only allowed 3 showers a week.  So, as I was washing up Punk ass comes down and tells me I will be going back to solitary confinement for assaulting him and his two goons.  Great.  Another 30 days in the hole that won't count.  Let me tell you how the Japanese prison system works.  Their prison system is STRICTLY for punishment.  It is not for rehabilitation.  They have one of the lowest crime rates in the World for a reason because prison is HARD LABOR.  They don't have repeat offenders.  So with me receiving another 30 days in the hole, that means that my time stops.  The time you spend in the hole or solitary confinement doesn't count toward your sentence.  I was given a 1 year and 9 month sentence.  But, by this being my 3rd, 30 day sentence in solitary confinement, that 1 year, 9 months has now turned into 2 years.  Solitary Confinement is where the real games begin.  Your day begins with them awaking you at 4am promptly simply to sit in the middle of the floor upright Indian style facing a wall for 12 hours.  There is no furniture just a mat.  You only get 2 bathroom breaks a day, two showers a week and two great meals of fish heads and white rice a day. And if you are lucky a buttered roll.  Or, if you are unlucky you will get soup and white rice mixed with their special sauce of urine. Needless to say there were many days that I didn't eat.  When I went in I weighed 275 pounds.  I came out weighing 155 pounds.  I had a 6 pack though!  

Ok, let's start from the beginning.  I, along with a couple of my Marine Corps buddies were heading back to base from a night club in Okinawa, Japan.  We took a honcho (taxi cab) back to base.  My buddy in the front was in charge of paying the cab driver, as we all had to chip in and we each gave him the money to do so.  My other buddies and I went across the street to our favorite restaurant to order food before we walked up the hill back to base.  I could overhear my buddy and the cab driver beginning to argue about something, so I looked over to see my buddy beginning to run up the hill.  Instinctively, my buddies and I began to run up the hill as well.  "Dude, why are you running?", we began to ask, as we kept running up the hill.  As we got to the top of the hill the honcho had already called the police and told them, that he was just robbed.  The Japanese Police, whom guard the gates at night, immediately stopped us as we got to the top of the hill.  The cab driver, along with several other Japanese Police arrived at the top of the hill.  My buddy began to explain to the police what happened.  He began to explain to them that the cab driver tried to cheat him out of his money.  He stated that it cost about a 1000 yen for the cab, which is about 10 American dollars for the cab fare.  After paying with a 20 dollar bill, the cab driver only gave him $1 back, thus cheating him out of roughly $9.  My buddy got so upset that the cab driver tried to cheat him, that he snatched his money back, along with the cab drivers' money and began to run up the hill toward base.  As he explained to the police what happened, the honcho said, "No!  He took my money too on purpose!"  The Japanese Police said that they were going to take all four of us down to the station for questioning.  I said, "No, the honcho already told you that we didn't do anything but run and that we gave our friend our money to pay him.".  Also, we knew that under the Sofa Status Agreement that the Japanese authorities could hold us for up to 28 days without notifying the American authorities that they have us.  It was thoroughly explained to us as we moved through orientation, that you should never go with the Japanese authorities and that you should always follow protocol and wait for the American authorities or representatives to show up.  I told the police that they had to call the American authorities and that I would not just go with them.  That's when one of the officers attempted to grab me and I pushed his hand away.  He attempted to grab me again and according to the Japanese Police, I swung at him.  But, the next thing I knew I was waking up in the Japanese Jail after being hit in the back of the head with a baton.

To be continued.....

Copyright January 2015 Sheldon Redditt