What is the appeal of Donald Trump? How is it that he is the leading Republican nominee? Do you think he will win? These are all of the questions that I am asked by people, ranging from a 16 year old brainiac kid that I mentor, that I swear will be the next Bill Gates, to my baby boomer father-in-law. Everywhere I go, EVERYBODY wants to talk Donald Trump and what's his appeal. Well, I have the answer to that question. Wait for it...Donald Trump is an arrogant, egotistical, self-centered JERK, whom is saying what a lot of people truly believe but are too afraid to say. That's it. I could end the blog with that but what fun would that be? Let's go a little deeper shall we? You see, most people secretly love a good Jerk. An arrogant A-hole jerk at that. Why do you think the High School jock that was a complete jerk had all the girls and all the guys wanted to be his friend? Why does one find the coworker or boss, whom is a super jerk, so sexy or intriguing? It's something about an arrogant jerk that makes most of us want to get to know them a little better. How do I know this, you ask? It's simple, because I used to be a jerk. No, I used to be a super jerk. I'm talking Kanye West JERK and the more of a jerk I was to people, the more people wanted to be around or to get to know me. I remember years ago, when Amy and I were working together and I was being a super jerk to someone, she said to me, "I don't like you and you are the biggest jerk I have ever met.". I remember saying, "Thank you!" and her responding, "Thank you? For calling you a jerk? And by the way, you're not cute either.". No, maybe she said I was ugly, but let's be honest, I'm no Denzel Washington. I'm maybe a 5 1/2, okay, a good 6, on a good day. Did I just rate myself? lol. Amy and I have been married for over 7 years now, so I rest my case. People love a good jerk, even if they aren't cute lol. So, okay, back to Trump. Donald speaks his mind. If you ask him about immigration, he gives you his truth. You talk crap to him, he talks crap back. If he thinks you are stupid, he has no problem letting you know it. You see, most of us are a lot like him, if we are honest with ourselves. How many times have you thought about giving your coworker or boss a piece of your mind? How many times have you had a very strong opinion about a certain topic and when someone disagreed with you, you wanted to tell them that they were the dumbest piece of crap you have ever seen? I won't even mention the stupid posts on social media websites that you so want to comment on, but think better of it. Well that isn't the case with Donald Trump, he says whatever he feels, without apologies. And if he has changed his mind on an issue, he will simply state that he used to feel that way but has since changed his mind. Isn't that what we really want from our politicians, a person that is gonna say what they mean and mean what they say? We want a politician whom won't back paddle on issues because it isn't popular at the time. See, that is the appeal of Donald Trump. He doesn't give an F and a lot of people love it. He says he can't be bought because he is a billionaire and therefore he doesn't take any money from lobbyists. He says that would make him a more effective President because he can't be bought. People are buying into that. They want a President who will make real change and not just give us change. That wasn't a subliminal shot at President Obama. Well maybe a little, but whatever. The American People want a President that will stand up to people who won't be an appeaser. They want a President that won't back paddle on issues and will say to the countries of the world, "Hey! Our trade agreements with you suck and business as you know it is gonna change. It's gonna be 50/50 from here on out, not 80/20 or 70/30. You aren't gonna sell all your cars here and we only send you wheat. That's not a fair trade exchange." Or a President that will say to these countries, "we are not gonna protect your country for free. Your economy is stronger than ours, so guess what if you want America to protect you, then you have to pay us." We are trillions of dollars in debt to other countries, so we can't afford to do anything for free! We can't be the police for the entire World with nothing in return. Now, is Donald Trump the answer for America? Will he win? And what most people really want to know is whether he will get my vote. Probably not, but..... If you would have asked me that question 3 months ago, my answer would have been a big Hell No. This is my truth! What's yours?
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