Hide Yo' Kids! Hide Yo' Wife!!!
BE AFRAID PEOPLE! BE VERY AFRAID! That's probably not a good way to start a post but I got your attention! Gun control is the biggest debate in America right now. Everyone is talking about it. One side says we need more gun control. The other side stands firm in that we don't need gun control; we need crazy people control. Which side is right? Which side is wrong? Or is there something WAY more sinister brewing, in this hallowed land, than most of us could ever imagine? Get Er' Done! School. Church. Movies. BY ANY MEANS NECESSARY
It is written into the history of the United States and other countries as well; when a government has an agenda to pass, they will find a way, to get er' done. If I am the President of a country and I want to take a right away from its' citizens, what is the best way to do it? Do I call a meeting with Senators and Congressmen and say, "Hey! I don't like this law in the Constitution! We need to change it."? I'd get a response of, "Change the Constitution? Mr. President have you gone mad?" There would be 200 press conferences in less than 30 minutes detailing the conversation they just had with the President. So, how does the Government take away rights from their citizens? Through FEAR. If I want to have gun control in America, the best way to get it is to scare the shit out of the American people. "How do I do that?" you ask. By making it unsafe to go anywhere. Make it unsafe for your kids to go to SCHOOL. Make it unsafe for you and your family to go to CHURCH. Make it unsafe for you to go to the MOVIES. Make it unsafe for you to go to local GROCERY STORE or your local GYM. Make it feel extremely unsafe to go ANYWHERE without fear of being killed by some crazy person with a gun.
History Revisted, The Media Loop
"Come on Sheldon! Do you really think our Government would go to that extreme to pass a law?" When we wanted to invade Iraq how did we do it? The President got on National TV and convinced the American people that Saddam Hussein was a threat, to not only the United States, but to the World as well. So every time you turned on your TV you heard that Saddam did this or Saddam did that! "Saddam has weapons of mass destruction! Saddam is gonna use those weapons of Mass destruction on us if we don't destroy him first." This was played over and over in the media until the American people were sold on the idea that we got to go get this maniac and kill him before he releases those weapons of mass destruction. So what did America do? We invaded that country and killed Saddam Hussein and we are still trying to find those weapons of mass destruction. It had NOTHING to do with weapons and everything to do with OIL. Saddam was an evil person, so I'm not shedding any tears for him, but my point is the government sold that lie to the American people and it worked big time!
The President Is Coming For Your Guns
The President wants gun control period. Every time there is a tragedy in America involving guns he gets on National TV and says we need gun control. In fact, in a interview he did a couple of hours prior to the MOVIE shooting in Louisiana, the President was asked what one thing he wishes he could accomplish before leaving office and his answer was gun control.
And You Thought The Jedi Mind Tricks Were Only In The Movies
Now let's talk about these, so called, crazy people that are killing all of these innocent American people. I believe and again this is my personal opinion; I believe a lot of these crazies are plants by the government. WAIT... What? Are you saying that the American government would hire people to kill innocent Americans just to pass a gun law? Why yes! Yes, I am! I told you earlier to be very afraid! Enter PROJECT MK ULTRA, better known as the CIA's mind control program. Google it. Don't take my word for it. This program was designed to get people to do whatever they wanted them to do, by controlling their minds. They used numerous methodologies to manipulate their subject's mental state and alter brain functions. This was done in over 80 institutions and over 185 private researchers participated in this project. We have all seen the movie, The Manchurian Candidate, unfortunately it's very real. We live in a country where most people love their guns and the fundamental rights of this land include, the right to bear arms. But, we also live in a country where the most powerful man, our President wants to pass a gun control law. So, how should he do it? He could possibly seek out people who may already have some documented mental issues and give them mind altering drugs to control their minds. Then he could get them to do whatever he wants. If what he wants is for this person to kill innocent people in a movie or a school, so be it. People will eventually be so terrified that they will run to the government and demand that they do something about these guns. Americans will say that it's not safe to go anywhere. They will say that they're afraid to leave their homes without fear of being killed by a gun. Lo and behold, gun control laws are now on a ballot! The American citizens vote on it pass it and the President gets what he wants and the public thinks it was their idea. I told you earlier they want gun control by ANY MEANS NECESSARY. These tragedies will continue to happen in my opinion. I've been saying it for years. We have to stop being distracted by all the silly stuff on TV and pay attention to what's really going on. They won't have to enforce martial law if they can get you to give up your rights on your own accord. Martial Law would be too messy and would not look good to other countries, so if real life Jedi Mind Tricks work, I can control you and you not know it. That's a win win for everyone. It's gun control today. What will it be tomorrow? This is my truth what's yours?