Posted by~ Sheldon Redditt on 09/22/2014
For as he thinketh in his heart, so is he. Proverbs 23:7
When I was a little boy, I had to go to church every Tuesday, Friday and Sunday. It used to drive me crazy! I remember my Sunday school teacher making us learn bible verses. Proverbs 23:7 was always my favorite one. Now at 7, I had no idea what it meant, but it was short and something I could remember, so it was my favorite. I had no idea back then that this simple, yet so powerful verse, would be the way that I lived my life in my later years.
About 8 years ago, Amy introduced me to this book called, "The Law Of Attraction". Wow! I never knew how powerful and meaningful this book would be, in both of our lives. I have read thousands of books in my lifetime but, when anyone asks me what my favorite book I've ever read is, I am quick to tell them, "The Law of Attraction". You see, we live the Law of Attraction EVERY DAY. The Law of Attraction is this, whatever you put out into the universe, you will get back, whether good or bad. If you put love into the universe, love is what you will get in return but, if you put hate into the universe, that's what you will receive in return. Amy and I began to adopt these principles into our daily life and the results have been amazing. We began to make vision boards where we would post photos on poster boards of all of the things that we desired, so as to keep each thing in the forefront of our mind. We became very conscious of the words that we not only spoke, but of the thoughts that we were thinking. Remember, what you think is what you will receive. When times would get tough for us, instead of saying how bad it was, we would immediately come up with a positive solution. We began to thank God for all that he has and will continue to do for us.
I believe, that whatever you have in life, you have attracted it. If you are in a healthy relationship, it's because you attracted it and if you are in a bad relationship, you attracted that as well. If you are in debt, you attracted that debt. If you are working a dead end job, you attracted that dead end job. You get my drift. But, I want you to see the positive aspect of this, as well. That dream vacation you want, that trimmer body, that car you've had your eye on, those things can be yours too. You just have to put them into the forefront of your mind and of course, work for them too. Now, you don't have to believe in the Law of Attraction for it to work. It's works regardless of whether you believe in it, or not. That bible verses that I learned back when I was 7, was so true. "For as he thinketh in his heart, so is he." Whatever you think, that is what you are. I don't think that it was any coincidence that I learned this verse so many years ago. I now know, that was God's way of preparing me for how I should live my life. I would encourage all of you to pick up "The Law of Attraction". It will change your life. Amy and I always tell the story of our daughter Hayden and how we named her 3 years before she was born. Amy has only ever wanted a daughter as did I. It only took me 40 years to get her. But, we put it into the universe and it happened. It is so amazing to see those things come to fruition.
Now, I really had to put the Law of Attraction into effect, these last 3 weeks. You see, I have been in so much pain that I couldn't get out of bed. The doctor prescribed me 3 different pain medications and none of them worked. I was only able to sleep 4 hours a day because the pain was unbearable. I kept saying, I can't take this pain! I'm sick of all this pain and you know what I kept attracting? I was willing more pain! It was only after I began to be thankful for those 4 hours without pain, that the pain began to get better. I began thanking God that I have a wife that has been taking care of me and thinking that just like everything else, this too shall pass. It's funny to me now because for the last 3 days in the hospital, I have slept about 20 hours a day and have been awake about 4 hours. WOW, the Law of Attraction at work!
Whatever you want in life, I advise you to write it down, make a list or a vision board and look at it every day and believe that you already have it. I promise you that you will receive it, as long as you put in the work. If you want to find love, happiness or anything else, keep speaking it into the universe, believe that it will happen and it will. This is my truth. What's yours?
Nice Sheldon. I believe its true. At times though its tough to look at the brighter side.