"Uncle Tom, Sellout, Trying to be White", all terms that we, as black people, use to describe a black person who thinks differently than the majority of black people, I want to explore these ridiculous terms today, after reading the thoughts and opinions that many left on my first blog. While I knew that my first blog would cause some controversy, I never would have thought that it would be my own family and friends that would ever question, not only my character, but also my so called blackness.
Let me start first by saying this, there are over 45 million black people in America, so to expect all 45 million black people to think the exact same way is utterly ridiculous. One would never expect all Caucasians, Asians, Hispanics or any other race of people to have the exact same beliefs or opinions. What makes America so great is that you have a multitude of races living in one country with culture differences and different ideas. So, let me ask you this. Why is it when it comes to Black people, we have to think the same way on issues such as politics, relationships and any social issues? If you are a Democrat you are okay, but if you are a Republican, you are an Uncle Tom or trying to be white. If you date outside your race you are a sellout. Why is this? Shouldn't all black people have the same liberty to think how they want to think, date who they want to date, without being labeled one of these terrible terms? Are we robots? I mean really, just because our skin is the same, we are supposed to be also? Amongst the black race, you have wealthy, middle class and poor citizens, so of course our experiences aren't the same. How can you expect our thinking to be? Life is all about change and the way I may view something at 20, I may not view it that way at 40 and nor should I. We all grow and evolve. If we disagree on a topic let's agree to disagree, but still be respectful. I don't see any other race of people using these derogatory terms when they disagree on a subject.
Now, to all my friends and family who think that I have sold out or that I'm trying to act white. Let me digress for a second, what the hell does acting white mean? You speak correct English and you are trying to be white? If you dress a certain way, you dress like a white boy? If you question anything that President Obama does then "you acting just like those white folks". And while I'm speaking about President Obama, let's also throw in Oprah. They both dress exquisitely and speak eloquently. Do these labels fit them too, or just because they are who they are, they're allowed a pass? Please, stop with this crap and think about what you are saying. Only white people speak correct English, only white people dress for success? What exactly is it then, that you are implying about the black race? Does anything about those kinds of statements make you any better than those that you proclaim to be oppressing blacks on a daily bases? I started this blog because I wanted to discuss these issues and to come up with positive solutions. I didn't do it to to blame others for this or that. We have to stop with these labels because we don't agree with each other 100% of the time. This is my truth. What's yours??????
I tried posting on your 1st discussion. Throughout the last few years I have had do research on Dr. King for schools papers for different college courses. One quote that comes to mind is "I dream of a day where my four children will not be judged on the color of their skin but on their character". I am glad you brought up our current president. Being a mid thirties white male it is assumed I don't like the president due to the color of his skin. He don't like the president due to his CHARACTER. You might not always live what you say but you always live what you believe. For starters one of his earliest mentor was the white house bomber, attended a church who so called minister preached hate, irs targeted conservatives and tea parties, and too many other things to list about his CHARACTER. But somehow he was elected over a American war hero for his term and the relected to a second term (why?). It amazes me that people like Col Allen West and Dr Ben Carson are label sells outs due to fact they have different views or beliefs for this country.