Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Imagine A World WITHOUT Cops

Posted by ~ Sheldon Redditt on 12/24/2014

Dedicated to Officer Rafael Ramos, Officer Wenjian Liu, their families and the NYPD Officers that lost their brothers.

"NYPD can't breathe."  "Two cops just got shot in Brooklyn.... Salute the shooter."  "Mike Brown mother cryed to an every other mama an wife cryed when they was killed by the police.  So shut up."  "Those pigs got what they deserved."  These are direct quotes pulled from social media.

So, let us imagine that someone is breaking into your home, you pick up the phone and call 911.  Wait a minute!  You CAN'T call 911 because there are no cops.  What do you do?? Imagine that you are out at a supermarket and someone kidnaps your child and you pick up the phone... to call WHO?  Imagine that a man is beating a woman and you're witnessing the beating.  WHO do you pick up the phone and call?  Imagine if two rivaling gangs are shooting at each other and innocent people are getting caught in the crossfire.  You dash for your phone and call WHO?  Imagine your elderly relative lives alone, all other family members are in the same town as you and no one has heard from this family member in days!  They aren't answering your repeated phone calls; you are terrified that something has happened to them, so you frantically decide to pick up the phone but it dawns on you, WHO are you calling?  I could go on and on for days with different scenarios that could happen.  But what would YOU do, if there were no cops?

There are over 780,000 cops in America and a majority of them are great cops.  They put their lives on the line every day to keep us safe.  Do we have bad cops?  Of course, we do!  Just like any company in America there are bad employees, but that doesn't make the entire company bad because they have a few bad employees.  The same way an entire company isn't blamed for a few bad employees, that same courtesy should extend to our Police Officers.  Just like in those companies, the answer is to terminate the bad employees when it's recognized.  While I realize that what some officers do may, and often does require more than a simple termination, vigilant justice is NOT the answer.

Two innocent cops lost their lives for no reason at all. These men were someone's son, husband and father.  One of them, only married two months.  Imagine the devastating loss that would suffocate you.  Imagine if someone killed your husband, son or father; just because of the job he works.  Think about that.  Your loved one gunned down, simply because of the job that they work.  Not just any job, but a job that requires you to put your life on the line every day.  A job that is the most stressful job in America.  A job where you feel you are never appreciated.  A job where you find yourself, answering, "just fine", "great" or "good",  at the end of the day when your loved one asks, how your day went.  You don't tell them the horrible truth, you say fine, every time.  Most days the things you witness are anything but fine. But alas, you get up the next morning to do it all over again.  That's what a cop goes through on a daily basis.  We are the first ones you call when you need help.  But, we are also inherently the first ones to receive blame when you don't like the way we handle giving the help, that you called for in the first place.

So many are saying, this is no different from people being gunned down for the color of their skin, but it is different.  I am in no way negating the travesty that is, being black in America, but this is different.  These men and women choose to take on a profession that is mostly thankless, but they strive to make our world better and safer.  It's unfair to the ones, which ARE many, to fear going to work because a vigilante may put a bullet in their head, while they're answering a call or worse yet, sitting at a stop light.

Imagine if one of your coworkers killed someone and in return some random person just pulls out a gun and starts killing people at your company.  They kill random people just because they work at the same company, as your coworker that killed another person.  How sick would that be, just to kill some one simply because they work at the same company?  Is that not the same thing that happened to these police officers?  They were murdered just because they worked for the NYPD.  They had absolutely nothing to do with the Eric Garner murder.  Their beliefs, thoughts and feelings about the case weren't questioned before the trigger was pulled.  I doubt that they even knew the cop that choked and killed Eric Garner.  They were killed for what?  This idiot wrote on his social media page that two pigs are gonna get their wings today.  You kill one of us, we kill two of you.  What us, was he speaking of because I am not in the us when it comes to killing innocent people.  He was a very sick individual.  I am equally sickened by many of the comments glorifying the taking of these two officers lives by this idiot.  These senseless murders fixed NOTHING.  What they did do, is widen an already massive divide and create a new one, between citizens and law enforcement.  Don't think that law enforcement officers aren't going to be quicker to pull their guns now because they fear for their lives now.  And THEY have the guns.  There has to be a better way for people to speak out and seek justice for what they feel and what they believe.  Peacefully protest, talk to your friends and to people that are different from you, outside your circle and color lines, petition for the officer that killed Eric Garner to lose his position with NYPD, but don't murder innocent people for going to work.  And don't spew hate, as that solves nothing.  Social media has been wonderful in maintaining connections and reconnecting long lost friends, but the amount of hatred that it is bringing to the forefront is frightening and disheartening.  The only thing I can suggest is to not give the negativity your energy or do speak back, but in a positive fashion.  There is a racial divide in America.  That is undeniable.  I hope in my lifetime I can see it begin to, if not close completely.  In the meantime, let's strive to uplift those that protect us and honor their position and choice to do what most won't ever do; lay their lives on the line for strangers every day.  Justice has to be for all, period.  Remember, in demanding justice, we have to give and seek justice, even for the ones that we feel are giving us no justice.  You can't want justice for one group of people and not want it for another.  THAT ISN'T JUSTICE.  This is my truth. What's yours?


Wednesday, December 17, 2014

A Little Positive Light In An Often Dark World

Posted by ~ Sheldon Redditt on 12/17/2014

I dedicate this post to my wife, Amy and my daughter, Hayden.  I will continue to do everything in my power to help you both continue to LIVE in this world and NEVER just exist!

I wanted to do something a little different today in light of all of the negative events happening in the world as of late.  They say you put out that which you wish to get back.  So, this is my positivity, my light and inspiration for the day.  Just over a year ago my wife was interviewed for an article for a website, called Everest, that is intended to encourage and inspire people to move toward their dreams and goals.  I was in awe that of all their subscribers, they were interested enough in her dream of broadening our daughters horizons to interview her.  I am very proud of her and what we are accomplishing with Hayden.  I hope you'll enjoy the article.

Everest Interview ~ by Cassie Peretore
Amy Redditt knows that her Everest is worth all the effort when she sees the smile and excitement in her two-year-old daughter Hayden’s eyes. Amy dreams of giving Hayden a life full of truly enriching experiences that will help to shape her into an adventurous, compassionate, and open-minded human being. An enriched life doesn’t require a passport full of exotic destination stamps or a Rolodex full of big names; to Amy, a meaningful life is being open to other cultures and ways of life, learning about other people’s journeys, and finding happiness through experiences. She wants Hayden to see all fifty states before she turns eighteen (she’s already been to fourteen!), figure out what she is passionate about, take up Spanish, and appreciate art and music. These are the kinds of enriching experiences that shape a person into a dreamer and an achiever, and this is what Amy wants for Hayden.
Amy has met a lot of amazing people in her life, but many of these people were from other parts of the country and world; Amy is cognizant of the wonders that diverse people and cultures can offer. Amy grew up in Memphis, Tennessee where “many people didn’t dream much bigger than their own backyard.” She wants Hayden to always dream bigger than the backyard; she is showing her daughter how to appreciate what’s beyond that fence. She and her husband take every chance they get to expose Hayden to her world. Each month they make sure they travel, whether it is just to a hotel a few towns over or to Puerto Rico. Regardless of where they’re going, they go somewhere, they meet someone, and they learn something.
Amy dreams that Hayden will be willing to listen to and understand different people as a result of these enriching experiences. She hopes that when Hayden finds people who have not been fortunate enough to have the experiences that she has, she will reach out to them and teach them what she has learned. Amy is giving Hayden a life of inspirational experiences in the hopes that she will give back and pass on the lessons of these experiences to others. And one day, when Hayden is old enough to think that her parents are cool again, she’ll thank them for teaching her to live this way.

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

The Affordable Care Act: Not So Damn Affordable

Posted by ~ Sheldon Redditt on 12/10/2014

I dedicate this post to my mother-in-law, Corliss Finlay, and the countless other Americans that are feeling the same frustrations.  Just like everything else, we will get through this.

President Barack Obama ~ "I will sign a universal health care bill into law by the end of my first term as president that will cover every American and cut the cost of a typical family's premium by up to $2,500 a year."

If there was ever a time to band together, it is NOW!  Today, not tomorrow, is the time that we must all stand up and be heard that, We The People, will not stand for our families to be torn down, dollar by dollar, until there is nothing left for us to thrive.  We must appeal, The Affordable Care Act, NOW. 

Insurance Promising 1000 Minutes & Free Roaming for $75 A Month
Let me back up and start from the beginning.  When President Obama first started championing for health care for all Americans, I was the first one on board.  I mean, we ARE the richest and most powerful country in the world.  So, why shouldn't all Americans have health care that they could afford?  The President even got on TV and told us to LISTEN.  He said, that if you have health care with your current employer nothing will change.  You will continue to pay the same as usual.  Your insurance won't go up.  And to quote President Obama directly, "Knowing you can offer your family the security of health care -- that’s priceless.  Now you can do it for the cost of your cable bill.  Probably less than your cellphone bill.  Think about that.  Good health insurance for the price of your cellphone bill, or less."  Can someone help me find these people that have this cell phone plan priced equivalent to this new Health Care Plan?  And if you do find them, maybe we need to issue a consumer alert that there are cheaper cell phone plans out there?  I don't know any three year olds' toting around cell phones that end up costing them an extra $2200 a year after already paying a premium for them.  But, I'll get to that in a bit.  So, with him making that speech, I thought, yes, this is the greatest thing EVER.  If you have any pre-existing medical problems, you can't be denied coverage!  Do you know how significant that is for so many people?  Gone are the days that insurance companies could just charge whatever they wanted because all of them would be competing to get your business, thus driving the cost down.  So this would be a win win for the American People, RIGHT?  WRONG!!  Boy, we were SO WRONG!  Instead of it being a win win, it has been a big LOSE LOSE!  

Last year, my health insurance went up 25%. Now, yes, I was a little upset because I thought that it would not go up.  But, I was not so naive as to not understand that premiums do go up a little from year to year.  Still, 25% seemed to be a lot for an annual increase.  I have discussed this with multiple friends and just like my family, they all saw a sufficient increase in their health insurance.  

Medicaid: Free Insurance That Costs You A Fortune In Gas
I work with kids that are wards of the state and I started noticing that less and less, were doctor's taking their Medicaid insurance.  In fact, the books that were sent out at the beginning of the year, that were filled with doctors willing to accept their specific form of Medicaid, should really be sent to my family and friends in Arkansas and Tennessee, to help them start their fireplaces this year.  Burning them seems to be the only effective use because either no doctor in the book accepts their insurance anymore OR if you do win the lottery and find one willing, you better be prepared to fuel up because you'll be driving 30 minutes to an hour south to a neighboring city.  Maybe someone should coin a way to turn paper into fuel.  Hmmmmm, I may be on to something here!  I had a conversation with a doctor that the children use on a regular basis and I asked him what is going on with their insurance.  He stated to me that while most people thought that Obamacare would be a great thing, in reality, it was a terrible thing.  His reasoning was that the insurance and pharmaceutical companies are going to make a huge profit regardless of how the laws are tweaked.  When these mandates went into affect, such as not denying anyone with any pre-existing health condition, the insurance companies tweaked themselves as well, by doing things like doubling the costs of anything related to that particular medical condition.   He said that likewise, the pharmaceutical companies made adjustments by inflating the costs of medicine used to treat those illnesses.  It seems that if a medicine had cost $20, now it will cost you $100.  Who is paying for this?  We, the tax payers and consumers are.  But, back to the kids with Medicaid, we are not only having an issue finding doctors that will see them, now we have issues with their prescriptions being approved and filled as well.  Some of these kids are on psychotropic meds and have been for years and suddenly it is a problem for them to get them.  You can't just STOP taking a psychotropic medicine cold turkey.  So, we have to jump through a million hoops to make it happen for these kids.  And on the frivolous end, who wants to spend 10 hours in a month trying to get an approval for a kids' acne face wash?  Two months later that acne face wash still isn't approved, so what do you do?  You pay out of pocket and hope that at some point in time, it will be approved and you can be reimbursed.

My Three Year Old Needs to Get A Job
And then, it gets personal.  I found out a couple of days ago that my daughter's insurance was going up over $2200 a year starting in January, With No Warning!  To say that my wife and I were beyond pissed, is putting it lightly.  The next day, I found out that our insurance was going up another 40 %.  YES, I said 40%!  So, not only did it go up 25% last year, it went up another 40% this year.  That is a 65% increase in two years.  Now, you tell me how that is fair!  Everyone I have talked to is saying the same thing.  Everyone is seeing a huge increase in their insurance.  One of my wife's friends' told her that her birth control pills that she has been getting for free for years, will now cost her $68 a month. Thats $816 a year.  And while some may say that's an expendable prescription, no one knows from case to case if it's medically necessary or a choice.  Birth control pills are known to help prevent certain types of cancer, among other things.  To quote President Obama again,  "And starting on January 1st, they won’t be able to charge women more for their insurance just because they're women.  That's a good thing."  I guess he wasn't talking about women's prescriptions.  Ladies and gentleman, there is no other way to say this other than, we were lied to about this affordable health care crap!   It hasn't been affordable to me or anyone I know.  

Have The Golden Years Turned Into The Bronze Years?
I was on the phone with my mother-in law for over an hour last night and she was venting about how terrible Obama Care has been for both her and her Aunt.  Her Aunt worked all her life, is now retired and has Medicare.  She has an aggressive form of cancer and now on top of all that worry, she has been awarded many hoops to jump through to get approval for medicine. She will turn 80 years old, just before Christmas.  How is it fair for our elderly citizens who have worked all their lives and should be enjoying retirement to have to worry about health insurance?  Medicare should cover all the costs without making them spend hours on the phone or in person fighting to just get the care they deserve every month.  They earned it. There will be over 700 billion in cuts to Medicare from 2013 to 2022.  That is billion, not million!  Now, do you really think you can cut over 700 billion from a program and it have a positive affect?  I think not.  From 2000 to 2010, doctors were reimbursed for Medicare at about 80% of private insurance rates—not great, but sustainable for most practices.  In 2013 that number dropped to 55% and will continue to drop every year. It's no wonder doctors don't want to take Medicare patients.  At that rate, it will end up costing them money to do so.  I was researching the Medicare Prescription Drug Plan and do you know there is a cutoff point for prescription drugs?  For example, if you have Medicare Prescription Plan D, once you reach the coverage limit of $2970, you are responsible for ALL costs of your prescription drugs at that point.  So, what are our senior citizens supposed to do at that point?  If they have cancer or any other serious medical condition; what are they supposed to do about their prescriptions?  The cost of those drugs are very expensive.  This has turned into the biggest disaster ever!  My mother-in-law said, that the general sentiment of those she knows with impending retirement looming ahead is now, that when they hit age 66, just take them in a field and shoot them.  They don't want to be a burden to their family and they see what is coming.  While, she knows very well, that is a blanket sarcastic statement meant to drive a point home; unfortunately it is an all too real expression of the fear that many aging Americans are feeling.  The American Dream is not to work hard just to reach your Golden Years and feel that you have become a burden on your loved ones.  You want your children to thrive, not to be overcome with worry struggling to make ends meet because they now have not only their own family but also their parents to take care of and look after.  But, this is the reality of what is coming if we don't take steps to change it.  We are looking at a soon to be, disappearing middle class.

There Has To Be A Solution
Let me be clear, it would be great for everyone to have health care, but the taxpayers should not have to pay for it.  And it is unfair for those that are barely scraping by to pay a penalty for not having health care.  What does that solve?  Now they are trying even harder to make ends meet.  It's getting to the point where most people will not be able to afford, the so called affordable health insurance because it is definitely not the price of a cell phone plan, as it was so eloquently dangled in front of us.  This Act simply has to be appealed.  I think the government should stay out of this.  I mean, who are they to tell us what is best for us, when their health care is totally free?  And it's health care today, what will it be tomorrow?  We, as Americans, must have a discussion on what WE can do to make this change.  Let me hear your thoughts and suggestions.  This is not meant to simply be a rant.  I want to do whatever I can to help make an effective change for everyone.  The untruth so eloquently spoken by President Obama, that if you have medical insurance with your employer, your insurance would not be affected, was just that, an untruth.  My insurance went up 65% and my daughters' even more.  This is my truth!  What's yours?

Friday, December 5, 2014

Do Black Lives Really Matter To Anyone?

Posted by~ Sheldon Redditt on 12/05/2014

Do black lives really matter to anyone?  This is the question being asked all over the world.  I, like most Americans, am outraged by the decision of a grand jury, not to indict Officer Daniel Pantaleo for the choking death of Eric Garner.  I am equally angry about the death of Tamir Rice, the 12 year old child, whom was shot by Officer Timothy A Loehmann.  

Eric Garner Was Murdered
First, I will start with the facts in the Eric Garner case.  Eric Garner was approached by officers for allegedly selling loose cigarettes.  Stop and think about this for a second, a father of 6 and husband, lost his life over some cigarettes.  Anyone that has visited New York City knows that they sell everything, from watches to wallets, on the street.  For him to be harassed and ultimately lose his life over some cigarettes, is an absolute tragedy.  I understand that the store owner called the police because he felt that he was losing business, due to the fact that he also sold cigarettes in his store.  However, the police could and should have handled this complaint much differently.  I have read a lot of people's comments on social media suggesting, that if Mr. Garner would have simply complied with the police officer, he would still be alive.  In cases like these, we must stop trying to turn the victim into the villain.  As a former law enforcement officer, I know that we are TRAINED for situations, in which people resist arrest.  We expect that people will resist on occasion but that doesn't mean we kill them.  The choke hold that the officer used was banned by the New York Police Department.  Based on the ban alone, this officer should have been indicted, not to mention that the medical examiner ruled Mr. Garner's death a homicide.  Again, the medical examiner ruled his death a homicide.  Officer Pantaleo used a choke hold that was banned and it was caught on tape.  See, you don't have to speculate what happened here because there are several videos documenting the incident.  Officer Pantaleo also had two prior lawsuits filed against him, one of which was settled by the city of New York.  The second lawsuit is on going.  Now, for the city to settle a lawsuit, you better believe there was some wrong doing on that officer's part.  And then for him to find himself in a similar situation again, less than a month later?  Officer Pantaleo should have been fired.  If the NYPD would have simply done their job in the first or even second case, Eric Garner would be alive today.  Then, there are seven other police officers that just stood by and let this happen. They are equally responsible.  Not one even attempted to stop this officer.  All of the officers had to know that it was an illegal hold.  You see, as police officers, we are trained to step in if you see a fellow officer doing something against the rules.  You step in and say, "Hey listen!  You can't do that!" or "Cool off, let me take over.".  But none of that happened.  I haven't forgotten the code that we live by as officers, but when one is doing wrong, at least one officer should have stepped in.  Officer Pantaleo should have been charged with murder.  Period!  The grand jury got it wrong! 

Tamir Rice Was Murdered
Then, there is Tamir Rice, the 12 year old child, that was shot and killed by Officer Loehmann, in Cleveland, Ohio, for waving a toy gun.  Again, I saw countless comments on social media that this cop had the right to shoot this kid because he didn't know if the gun was real or not.  It was of no consequence, that the gentleman that called in said the gun was probably a fake.  Again, police officers are trained to know what to do in EVERY situation so there was no excuse.  Do you have any idea how many times police officers are called to the scene of a suspect waving or carrying a gun and the perp lives?  You know why?  Because, they use their training properly!  This baby was shot within 2 seconds of these officers arriving on the scene.  2 seconds!  The officer claims that he told the child to put the gun down three times.  How is that possible, when he was shot within 2 seconds? The video doesn't lie.  Again, let's look at Officer Loehmann's background.  Officer Loehmann resigned from the Independence Ohio Police Department.  BEFORE they fired him, they gave him the option to resign, which he chose to do.  A direct quote from the police deputy Chief Jim Polak, described Loehmann, "as having EMOTIONAL MATURITY ISSUES and an inability to manage stress.  Officer Loehmann couldn't follow simple instructions during a firearm qualification and became weepy and distracted."  He also wrote and this is very important, "that he didn't feel that either time, nor training would be able to correct or change these deficiencies."  That came from the deputy chief.  So, tell me, why in the hell, was he ever hired by the Cleveland Police Department?  What kind of background check was done on this guy?  All they had to do was look at his personnel file.  He should have never been hired in the first place!  Now a child is dead because of an incompetent officer whom should have never been hired in the first place.  

The 10% That Stands To Shame A Whole Profession
Now, most police officers are great officers, but it's that 10% that makes every officer look bad.  Police brutality is a serious problem, especially when dealing with Black Men. The police departments around the country have to do a better job hiring officers.  And it is a must that the Cultural Diversity Training gets better.  I think and I have said this before, it should be the law, that all law enforcement officers are required to wear body cameras.  Now, of course I realize that many have the sentiment that there is no point because Eric Garner's murder was caught on tape and it did not make a difference.  But one must understand that a police officers' mentality would automatically change when he knows that everything he does is being recorded.  That hot headed police officer will hopefully think twice before he even steps the wrong way.  Officer Pantaleo did not know that he was being recorded.  Had he known, he might have thought twice before acting in the manner in which he did.  Body cameras would most definitely cut down on a lot of deaths.  We have to start making these bad cops accountable for their wrong-doings, give them a reason to think before acting and for those that still choose not to, send their asses to prison.  Thankfully President Obama is already on board with the cameras and hopefully officers will get them sooner rather than later.  People are angry and they have the right to be!  Black Lives Do MATTER.  And they should matter, not only to their families, but they should matter to everyone.  What can we do?  Let me address Black Men for a minute.  Men, we have to do better.  We have to start mentoring and talking to our young men.  We have to teach them that in order for them to be respected by anyone, we have to first respect ourselves.  We have to stop killing each other.  Pull your pants up and stop getting a million tattoos all over your body.  We have to teach them that they need to respect women and to follow the proper protocol when dealing with the police.  We have to stop this silliness, that we won't snitch when a crime is being committed within our neighborhoods. We need to be just as outraged when we kill each other.  Black life shouldn't just matter when a white person takes it, but matter equally when another Black person takes a life as well. 

Change The Future
Now let me address some of the comments about the statistics on black on black crime.  Yes, 90% of the of the homicides committed on black men are committed by other black men.  Listen that is the case with every race.  Most white homicides are committed by white people as are homicides with every other race.  People commit violent acts on this closest to them.  So, stop with that, when we are talking about police brutality.  We are getting better. The statistics show that there were 7,361 black men killed by another black man in 1991. That number dropped to 2,447 in 2011, a 67% drop.  So yes, we are doing a lot better but until that number is at 0, we still have work to do.  I had a talk with several young men yesterday about the recent events and what part they feel they can play in changing the future of this country.  I must say, I am encouraged by our youth demonstrating by peacefully protesting to make themselves heard.  This is the greatest country in the world, in that we are allowed to have freedom of speech.  We all are in this together.  Be encouraged, make yourself heard, but do it peacefully.  We can all make a difference, if we come together.  When a black man is killed unjustly, we all; Black, White, Asian and Hispanic, should be outraged.  A black life does and should matter to ALL.  This is my truth!  What's yours?

Saturday, November 29, 2014

Cooning for White People or An Inspiration to Many?

Posted on 11/29/2014

Am I Cooning or Inspiring, you decide.  I am writing this post simply for the family and so-called friends that think I have; so-called sold out, forgot where I came from, am "cooning for Masa", that say I hate being black, that I hate black people and the countless other things I have been called or accused of, since starting this blog a little over 2 months ago.  When I first started this blog, I stated that some of the topics would be controversial at times and while I welcome all comments, agreeing or disagreeing, I would not stand for hate.  From some of you, hate is all I have received.  Not only have I been attacked, but my wife, whom has nothing to do with my blog or my opinions, has been attacked as well.  Now, I am going to address this issue one time and one time only. 

I Apparently HATE Black People
Lets start with my hatred of black people.  I have devoted the last 20 years of my life helping people.  That is not only my passion, but it is my calling.  This is what I was born to do.  80% of the people I have worked with are black.  You say that I hate being black!  Can you be serious?  I will willingly compare my record with any of you in regard to what I have done for black people.  I've never felt the need to broadcast how I attempt to help out, but I feel it is necessary.  One can only accept the bashing so long before they feel the need to correct it.  Over the years, I have mentored and counseled gang members, spoken at countless schools in hopes of discouraging kids from joining gangs and taught primarily black young men, the principles of manhood.  I have taught them that there is no excuse, for not being successful.  I have worked with young girls to try to steer them in the direction that their absent fathers should have steered them.  I have tried to teach them how to be respectable young ladies and not to accept just anything from a boy.  I love black people.  Let me say that again.  I love black people and I love being black!  I dare any of you to question that, based upon the 5 or 6 blogs that I have written, that you perceived to be negative about black people.  What about all the others that I have written on marriage, friendship, about my father and about the uplifting of people?  No, you only focus on what you think is negative.  You have the right to disagree with me but be respectful.  I haven't been anything less, to any of you. 

I Am A Sellout
I'm a sellout.  Really?  Well, let me tell you about this sellout.  I can't count the people that I have run into that tell me that I helped change their lives.  They've said that if it wasn't for me, they would surely be dead or in prison.  I ran into a police officer a couple of months ago in Memphis, who came up to me in tears to thank me for saving his life.  He told me that a conversation I had with him when he was 16, changed his life forever.  He said that I told him that if he isn't successful in life, it would be his own fault.  Apparently I told him, "yes, your mother and father abandoned you, but are you gonna use that as a excuse to fail?"  He is 28 now and happily married with 2 kids.  I didn't remember that kid from Adam but he remembered me. I have countless stories like this.  I don't go around bragging that, I did this and I did that, but my record speaks for itself.  While the majority of you go to work, come home and get on social media to attack me.  I am putting in the work, to try to help save lives, black and white.  But, I'm the sellout?  I'm trying to fix the problem, not be part of it.  Amy and I work with the homeless, giving them our time and money, trying to help them get back on the right path, in hopes that we can help them find the spark they need to get into a better position.  We even take our daughter with us, so she can learn the importance of service to others and to always help the unfortunate, that want/need help.   I'm working with a young man now, that in all of my 20 years of doing this work, I haven't seen a kid as bright and talented as him.  A former NFL quarterback contacted me and said he HAS to work with this kid because he is something special.  This quarterback offered this kid a scholarship to a private school, that costs $25,000 a year.  And wouldn't you know, this kid doesn't want to go because he said he doesn't want to be around all those white folks.  This kids' sorry ass parents smoked weed with him, from the time he was 9 until he was 13.  He is 14 now and has been removed from their care for a year, but because they told him not to trust white folks, he doesn't want to seize what could be the biggest opportunity of his life.  This is what I deal with on a day to day basis.  Now I have to show this young man, that what he knows as his normal, is not the norm at all.  

Amnesia Abounds
Don't forget where I came from!  I didn't develop a case of amnesia!  I can never forget where I came from.  Listen, I will not be defined by some small town in Arkansas.  I have lived in many other places that helped shape who I am.  You can't put me in a box  because I don't fit.  You want to hold me to my past, saying stuff like he used to hate white people.  He called them devils and now look at him, he is married to one of them.  The way that I thought 20 years ago has changed and rightfully so.  What intelligent person thinks the same way at 43, as he did at 23?  And if you find one, I can guarantee you, that person isn't successful!  Some of you have put my personal business on social media.  I can only assume that you thought, that I was ashamed of my past or that my white friends didn't know certain things about me, so your disclosure would turn them away.  I still remained respectful.  I have nothing to hide.  My past is just that, my past.  We ALL have one, but I wouldn't dare put your past shortcomings on social media, no matter what.  I am not ashamed of ANYTHING in my past because it was either a learned lesson or a life experience.  I am who I am and I was who I was and I am cool with both of them. 

Cooning For Whitey
Now, as far as me COONING for white people and not pointing out their wrongs.  I have on many occasions pointed out their wrongs and have even done a blog about it.  How can I not speak on the wrongs that white people have done and continue to do to black people?  You really believe that I think that racism doesn't exist?  Are you that foolish?  I have, like every other black person in America, witnessed this first hand. Hell, I witnessed it last night at Target, when a lady saw me coming and snatched her purse out of the basket and put it on her shoulder.  I have been stopped by white police officers on numerous occasions.  So, for me to think it doesn't exist, would be crazy.  Now, here is the difference for me.  I don't dwell on whether white people are racist toward me or not.  That is totally their problem.  I know that I have to be successful in spite of that.  This is what I teach and have taught to the hundreds of kids that I have come In contact with.  Yes, racism exists, always has, always will, but that is not an excuse for failure.  Now my blogs are made up of my opinions and also based on facts.  You can say all you want, but show me where I am wrong.  I have said this on many occasions, I will debate history with any of you, where it is relevant to the subject at hand.  I not only know MY history, but that of white people, Asian people and others as well.  I don't just say anything, just to be saying it.  If you have a issue with me, pick up the phone and call me because you better believe that if I had a problem with you, I would pick up the phone and call you.  It seems that some of you just like to be negative and display your insecurities by displaying for the world the latest thing you got or did.  But then want to make a claim that I'm the one that needs therapy?  And I'm to assume that's meant as an insult?  I think therapy is a great idea for anyone and definitely not a bad idea for someone that's always overcompensating for something, by flaunting their stuff or accomplishments.

I Will Keep Uplifting, You Can Too
In closing, you are more than welcome to disagree with me.  I was hoping my blog would spark a dialogue, which it has successfully done.  But, it's my blog and there is no call for attacking my wife, especially when she hasn't done anything to any of you.  For you to post a video, directing it toward her, someone you haven't even met, was wrong.  How is that uplifting?  Since you say you pride yourself on that.  But I digress, you say you pride yourself on uplifting black people, not all people.  If you disagree with me, that's ok, but to attack her for no reason, when she hasn't said one bad thing about you, that was totally uncalled for.  I for one, choose to use my voice to uplift ALL PEOPLE and to speak truth based upon what I know.  I have so much more to say, but I am going to re-devote my time to the Tamir Rice blog I was writing, involving a young black boy that was gunned down by a white police officer, in Cleveland, OH.  Don't ever question me on who I am.  I have hundreds that can tell you who I am and what I mean to them.  My record speaks for itself and I would put it up against any of yours.  I am making a difference in this world, not just talking about it.  So, while you are busy discussing who you think I am.  This is who I am!  A coon for white people or a inspiration for many.  I think, no I know, I am the latter. This is my absolute truth!  What's yours?

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

FERGUSON BURNING: Three Tragedies and Counting

Posted by~ Sheldon Redditt on 11/25/2014

This is the post that I said, that I didn't want, nor would I write because of the backlash I received from family and friends regarding my earlier post on this subject.  After many phone calls and texts from friends and viewers questioning whether I would consider addressing this subject, I still felt hesitant.  After much consideration, I thought about the fact that I named my blog, "Into The Light From Behind Closed Doors" and I thought, how can I not share my truth, the way I see it?  Now, I know my opinion won't sit well with some and with some it will, but it's my opinion, so here we go.  

Tragedy Number One
First, I want to give my condolences to Michael Brown's family.  I can not imagine losing a child, let alone, in a senseless way.  I think that is the first tragedy here.  When the grand jury came back with the verdict, they did so based upon the EVIDENCE.  You see, when a crime is committed, the evidence is examined, not only people's account of what happened.  There will always be people that lie, which we have seen in this case, but the EVIDENCE doesn't lie.  This is one of the highest profile cases in modern history.  That being said, do you really think that if Officer Wilson had done anything wrong that he would not have been charged?  Officer Wilson was just a regular person prior to this.  What reason would, not only his police department but the attorney general's office and St. Louis County have to not indict him?  You must consider that these entities would be painstakingly aware, that if Officer Wilson actually committed a crime, the rioting and backlash that would ensue not only him, but them, would be great. It doesn't make sense, that if Officer Wilson committed a crime, that he would not have been indicted.  All three autopsies showed the same thing.  Michael Brown was not shot in the back, like eyewitnesses claimed.  These people lied, period.  We must look at the evidence and the evidence shows that Officer Wilson was attacked in his car by Michael Brown.  Officer Wilson had the scars to prove it and the evidence in his car proved it, as well.  Now, after he was attacked, Officer Wilson had the right to use the force necessary to stop Michael Brown.  As a former Law Enforcement Officer, we are trained to go home, period.  We don't shoot to wound, we shoot to kill.  What most fail to realize, is that we are trained this way because you can't and don't know if the subject has a weapon or not.  So, if you shoot to wound, the subject could, in return, shoot and kill you.  Again, we are taught to always go home, period. We must face the fact that Michael Brown is responsible for his own death.  I know many of you will be upset with that statement, but that is my opinion.  The evidence shows this. I'm not talking about the countless eyewitnesses whom later admitted, they didn't see what they said, they witnessed.  I'm talking about the evidence.  Now, are there corrupt police officers?  Yes!  Does racial profiling exist?  Yes!  I'm guilty of it myself.  But, in this case, I don't think it applies. 

Tragedy Number Two
The second tragedy in this case is Officer Wilson's future.  While it is true that every person that takes another's life should be subject to the due process of the law, which states one is innocent until proven guilty.  This man was unfortunate enough, to be crucified in the media before all the facts were known.  We rushed to judgement and this time we were wrong.  We can not compare this case, to that of Trayvon Martin.  The only similarity is that a young black male was killed.  One was murdered, while the other was killed in self defense.  This Officer did his job.  I know a lot of you don't like it, but he had the right to use deadly force if he perceived his life to be in danger.  Once Officer Wilson was  attacked, he did just that.  Officer Wilson, like any other law enforcement officer, had the right to go home to his family unharmed.  He has the right to be judged by 12, rather than to be carried by 6.  While, the legal process may be over for him, the ramifications of the media circus and America's cry for their perceived justice is not over.  This man in many ways is now one of the most hated men in America.  It does not matter that he was not charged because America charged him before he ever stood a chance to have to evidence prove his innocence.  Not only will he continue to suffer from the psychological ramifications of that fateful day, in that his nightmares will surely continue.  He will almost definitely never be able to secure another job in law enforcement, which I'm sure was his passion.  He now will have to relocate himself and his family, which will effect not only his life but theirs as well.  He will have to basically stay in hiding, for what may be, the rest of his life.

Tragedy Number Three
The third tragedy is that a select few of these thugs would choose to riot, loot and burn down their own community.  Can one get any more stupid?  Why would one choose to burn down the very places that you shop everyday?  I understand that you are upset and you have the right to feel however you choose, but why burn down your own community?  What does that prove?  This foolishness must stop.  All these small business owners dreams went up in flames.  Chances are that they will not rebuild.  So now, not only have you destroyed someone's dream, but you have lost the jobs of many in your own community.  You have negatively effected your community.  The money that could have been put back into your own community is now going to go elsewhere.  You didn't see white people burning down their community when OJ Simpson was acquitted.  We have to do better.  People told me that if Officer Wilson were not indicted that there would be riots.  I did not think that it would happen, as I just knew that something was learned from the LA riots.  There has been three tragedies already.  Let's not make any more tragedies.  Thankfully no one lost their lives last night and I hope there won't be any more senseless acts of violence.  We all have the right to justice, not someone else's interpretation of what justice should be.  This is my truth. What's yours?

Saturday, November 22, 2014

Ladies, YOU are the PRIZE: Recognize Your WORTH

Posted by~ Sheldon Redditt 11/22/2014

Ladies, men by nature are conquerors.  It's innate, maybe even primal would be a better description meaning that, if we see something that we want we will go after it, no matter how hard it will be to get it.  It doesn't matter how much it will cost, if we see it and want it, we will do everything in our power to get it! 

Great Hair, Great Clothes, Make the Ladies Swoon
When I was a young man, growing up, everything I did was meant to impress a girl.  I was not alone in this.  Every single guy I knew had the same purpose driven focus, to impress a girl!  Every one of his actions had but one purpose!  The clothes that we wore, the way we combed our hair, everything was for the sole reason, to make girls like us.  We knew that the girl was the prize and that if we wanted to date her, we had to meet her standards. We knew if we asked her out, that meant the guy was expected to pay.  It was expected for you to open doors and pull out chairs for a lady. It was expected that you would have a meaningful conversation.  You see, back then, the ladies knew they were the prize period. 

The Downfall of Women
What happened in the last 15-20 years or so?  It's as if everything has changed!  Ladies, we, meaning men, flipped the script and now we have you believing that men are the prize.  How did this happen?  My perspective on this comes from so many places.  The images, on so called reality TV, that show young men demeaning women in a million different ways.  The names that are rattled off for women in the music of today and I notice how no one even bats an eye anymore.  I watch the young men and young women that I work with and see how the girls dumb themselves down and play the handout game with their pay checks. How is it now that women will do anything in the world to get a man?  How is it that you will argue and fight with another woman because a man is seeing both of you?  You accept that?  How is it that some of you will date a guy knowing that he is a criminal and when he gets caught, you will actually take the blame for the crime and do prison time for the guy?  What happened to your standards?  

Cheaters, Gold Diggers and Acceptance
I had a close friend ask me, "why do guys cheat?".  She stated, that almost all the guys she has dated have cheated on her.  My answer to her was simple, "most men cheat because you ladies allow them to".  Yes, I said, "allow them to".  You see ladies, guys can only do what you allow them to do period.  YOU hold all the cards.  If a guy cheats on you and you accept it, stay with him or take him back in a short time, he knows that is a green light to cheat again.  He now knows that, yes, you will be upset and angry but that you will eventually take him back.  We, as men, meet women where they are.  If we think we can get away with everything with you, we will do just that.  On the other hand, if we see that you have standards and won't bend, we will respect and accept them for the most part.  We know that you are the prize, but we have tricked a lot of you into thinking that we are.  Who do you think came up with words like gold digger?  Do you think women were sitting around one day and decided that they were gonna start calling themselves gold diggers?  No, men came up with that title and similar ones.  We did that so we wouldn't have to do the job, that real men are supposed to do.  We knew that women are emotional beings and if we started using words like that to describe them, they would start feeling guilty.  Women would begin to think, well maybe I should pay for my own meal, maybe there isn't anything wrong with me paying a guys bills.  I'm an independent women who makes my own money, so why not take care of him?  He will really love and respect me and never cheat on me.  Wrong ladies!  We, as men, don't think like that.  We see this as a weakness.  We think if she will pay for my meal, what else will she do?  If she will pay my bills, what else will she do?  If she will accept me cheating and not working, what else will she accept?  You see how this thing works ladies?  

Make Chivalry a Thing of the Present
Ladies chivalry is not dead, it just isn't required anymore.  If you want a man to love and cherish you and make no mistake about it a REAL man wants to do that!  You have to have some standards that you won't bend on. There is nothing wrong with being independent, yet dependent, on a man.  Men love it, you see, men are protectors and givers by nature.  Once we find a woman and fall in love, we will give them the world.  In fact, our happiness comes from making you happy.  We love the smile on your face when we successfully give you the things that you want and need.  My wife says to me all the time, "you never buy anything for yourself!"  My answer is always, "I don't care about that, I'm happy just seeing you and our daughter happy".  Ladies you are the best thing that God created and we men know that.  It's time that you know it again. You are the prize and you have the power.  If this is ever going to be fixed, ladies it starts and ends with you.  First, you must respect yourself because if you don't, no one else will.  You must develop standards and requirements that you will not bend on, no matter what.  Only then, will men revert back to the way it should be.  This is my truth.  What's yours?

Saturday, November 15, 2014

Spanking vs. No Spanking

Posted by~ Sheldon Redditt on 11/15/2014

When I was growing up, we got spanked period.  I think they had a spanking committee back then that met and came to an agreement.  The agreement was that if we catch your child acting up, we have the right, no it is our DUTY to spank your child!  Back then their beliefs were that it took a community to raise a child.  So, if Ms. Mandy caught me acting up in the neighborhood, she would spank me.  Then she would call my mother to tell her she spanked me and 9 times out of 10 I would get another spanking when I got home.  Where was Child Protective Services back then? Lol.  Our parents had a motto, that stated that, "WHERE EVER YOU SHOW OUT, THAT'S WHERE YOU GET WORE OUT".  I know a lot of you remember that line! 

When I became older and had sons of my own, I pretty much raised my sons the same way. I believed that spanking was a form of discipline that kept them in line.  I would talk more with them, than my parents did with us but if talking wasn't working, I would spank them.  I believed the problem with a lot of the so-called bad kids was that their parents didn't spank them.  I would shake my head in disgust when I would see a child acting up in the supermarket.  These children would scream at their parents, saying that they hate them and then if they didn't get what they wanted they would continue to act out.  My thoughts were always, "when is the spanking coming?"!  As kids, we didn't embarrass our parents, our parents embarrassed us!

A Change of Heart
A lightning bolt struck in Pensacola, FL on October 31, 2011, that changed my whole way of thinking!  Enter Miss Hayden Redditt, my first daughter, into the world. Suddenly, with my daughter, everything that I thought I believed, has changed.  I remember sitting down with my wife and telling her that, I WOULD NOT be spanking our daughter.  I told her I don't think that a father should spank his daughter because if they do spank them, she will grow up thinking it's ok for men to hit her.  So, if my daughter has to get a spanking, my wife would be the one doing the spanking.  My wife looked at me like I had grown a second head.  She knew I just didn't want to ever have to spank our daughter and that would leave Mommy as the bad guy.  My planned worked until she was a little over a year old and she tried to stick a pencil in the electrical outlet, without thinking I spanked her and told her, "No No, you don't do that!".  That was the first and last time I ever spanked my daughter!  I felt so bad!  I think I cried harder than she did.  To make matters worse, anytime she was acting out and I would threaten to spank her, she would begin to spank herself repeatedly, which made me feel even worse.  Neither my wife or I like to spank, so Hayden began to receive time-outs for acting out.  Time-outs seemed to work for the first 2 years or should I say, until she turned 2.  Then, for a lack of a better term, all Hell broke loose.  Time-outs were becoming pointless.  She would let herself out of time-out, when SHE felt like it.  We asked her to do stuff and her response was inherently, "I don't want to!"  Now, if I had ever told my parents that I didn't want to do something that they asked of me, I probably wouldn't be here writing this blog right now!  My wife and I are really at our wits end.  We have read countless books on how to discipline, without spanking.  I have talked to my friends and all of them say the same thing, I don't spank my daughter, I let my wife do that.  But, what do you do when your spouse feels the same way you do?  I even talked to my Mom about this and her response was no you can't spank her.  WAIT, WHAT?!?  Did THAT just come out of the mouth of the former Spanking Heavyweight Champion of the World?  My wife told me the other day that our daughter has gotten a lot worse when she is out in public.  I hadn't been anywhere with them in a while because of my knee.  Yesterday, I saw this first hand, for the first time, when I told her that she couldn't get a toy.  I tried explaining to her that she just received so many toys for her birthday and that she hasn't played with all of those toys yet.  She was having none of it.  She started crying and screaming in the store, "but! I want it Daddy, I need it!".  The more I told her no, the louder she became.  I was so embarrassed.  I had become that parent at the supermarket with the out of control child.  People were looking at us like control your child!  I swear I saw a guy shaking his head in disbelief.  I was so embarrassed, that I left everything in the basket and walked out of the store, even leaving my Jamaican Blue Mountain Coffee, that I found at a great discount.  That really upset me lol.  I also left the clothes that my daughter had picked out.  She was really upset and begged me to go back and get them.  I explained to her, that I would not be going back and that she would not be getting new clothes today because of her behavior.  I told my wife that I had no idea it had gotten this bad.  The question is, what are we gonna do about it?  My wife said that she thinks part of the problem is, that I never tell her "no" and that if she wants something, I buy it every time.  Whereas, she tells her "no" or "not now", or suggests waiting for her birthday or Christmas.  We both don't believe in spanking, but time-outs don't work.  Nothing is working at this point.  What do we do?  All advice is welcome.  We know we have to get this under control and fast or it's gonna really be a serious issue as she gets older.  So, do we just put our foot down and spank her like my parents did?  I think I turned out okay.  Or do we continue try to find alternative ways to discipline her without spanking?  We need HELP. 

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

A Soldier and A Marine, Like Father, Like Son: A Salute to All Veterans

Posted by~ Sheldon Redditt on 11/11/2014


On this Veterans Day, I would first like to thank all that have served and to give honor to the ones that have given the ultimate sacrifice.  We live in the greatest country in the world.  I especially want to thank my father today for his 20 plus years of service in The United States Army.  I, myself served 4 years in The United States Marine Corps.  So, Semper Fi to all my devil dogs, as well. 

When I was growing up I always admired my father.  It wasn't just because he was my father but because of how he carried himself.  When my Dad walks into a room, you feel his presence, his confidence and his mannerisms are like no other.  I always tried to carry myself, just like him.  I think a lot of this came from his serving in the Army.  My Dad taught me, through his actions, the principles of manhood.  He taught me to always have respect for others, to look a person in the eye when you are talking and to give a firm handshake.   He also taught me how to tie a tie, to always open doors for ladies and to be a gentleman.  I know that serving in the Army, he learned a lot of these principles.  I thank him for passing the principles on to me and for serving the country that I love for so many years, without complaint.  The four years I served, in The United States Marine Corps., were some of the best years of my life.  I will never forget getting off that bus at MCRD SAN DIEGO.  I was scared out of my mind!  The yelling and screaming of the Drill Instructor still rings in my ears.  I thought I had made the biggest mistake of my life!  Those 18 weeks of boot camp were the best and worst weeks of my life.  That experience taught me, that it's not about me, but the team.  It taught me to always take pride in what you do and to have honor and respect.  

Could This Be The Answer We Have Been Looking For?
I think that the United States should require all males to serve at least 1 year in the armed services.  I think it would solve a lot of this countries problems.  A lot of other countries require this and I think it would be a great idea for the US!  The potential for it to successfully lay the foundation for a young mans life and directly effect the negative consequences of them entering manhood on this country, that we are too frequently seeing today, are profound.  What do I mean by this?  Structure, discipline and job skills learned in the military would reduce crime rates and thus lower the prison population, saving the tax payers money.  If these young men already have families, these families will be more likely to stay together and their sons will have a man around to teach them the core values of manhood.  The military teaches to honor and respect women and upholds the sanctity of marriage.  This foundation could possibly restore what has been lost in the success rate of the American family, which is an issue that needs to be addressed.  People wonder why kids are suddenly so out of control, but it's obvious to me.  So many of them are inadvertently fatherless because these young men haven't been taught to stay and fight to hold their family together.  The military could help to restore a sense of purpose for so many and teach both honor and respect for the common man.  It could teach them discipline in their work ethics, hopefully reducing the instability of the work force of today.  My hope is that it would have an effect by strengthening companies through added stability and allowing workers to earn larger pay checks based upon tenure, thus boosting the economy.  There are so May possibilities as to how serving could improve the America that we are living in today.


digress, I remember when I finally graduated boot camp my Dad drove down from Fort Ord.  We drove from San Diego to Monterey, CA.  This was, by far, my favorite time, I ever spent with my father.  We talked about everything!  He told me about his Army experiences, how they were the best experiences he had known and how the Army shaped his life.  I understood, years later, what he meant because some of the best years of my life were when I was stationed in Japan.  I wouldn't trade those experiences for the world.  My Dad, like myself, loves this country.  I am so thankful that he passed on to me, the principles that the Army instilled in him, so that I could also pass them on to my children.  I remember my 6th grade teacher, Mrs. Matthews, asking the class what they wanted to be when they grew up and my answer was, like my Daddy.  He happened to be a Sergeant in the Army at the time.  That put the biggest smile on her face and she said that was the best answer she had ever heard.  So, on this day as we give thanks to all the Veterans, I want to thank the Veteran who has had the biggest impact on my life, my Father.  Dad, thank you for all that you have taught me through words but most importantly through your actions.  I haven't talked to my Dad in a while. I'm gonna pick up the phone today. 

Friday, November 7, 2014

The Minimum Wage Debate: A Hand Up not a Hand Out

Posted by ~ Sheldon Redditt on 11/7/2014

When I was 15 years old, I got my first job at the commissary on base bagging groceries for tips.  I loved that job because every night I would go home with money in my pocket.  I would bag as fast as I could so more people would come to my line.  I made good money or so I thought, until the day, that would forever change my perspective, the day I talked to my friend Shawn.  Shawn revealed to me that he was making double the money that I was.  I didn't quite understand how that could be because Shawn was a much slower worker than I.  Shawn explained to me that the secret to him making double the money was that he took pride in his job and did it right.  I was a speed demon and would put the eggs with the milk, just to get the customers though the line. Shawn told me that while I was getting a dollar or two from my customers, he was getting 5 bucks per customer because they liked the fact that he took pride in his job.  He did it right and they didn't end up with cracked eggs when they arrived home.  Shawn explained to me that people pay you according to what they think you are worth.  This lesson stuck with me, even to this very day. 

Now, what does this have to do with the minimum wage debate?  Well, how many times have you drove up to your local fast food restaurant, only to be greeted by a very rude person?  How many times have you visited your local supermarket and encountered nothing but rude employees on every visit?  Sometimes, I think that they are being paid exactly what they are worth.  I don't think these people deserve to make $15 an hour for giving horrible customer service.  That's not to say because you choose that industry, that you should never make a good salary, but I believe you should earn it.  I don't think walking in off the street with nothing at all, or nothing worth anything on your resume, that you should automatically be given what some people have strived to get for years.  Now, when I was a teenager, I didn't expect to make a ton of money on my first job. I knew that would come later, after I worked hard and earned it.  

I think the problem with raising the minimum wage to $15 an hour is that a lot of people won't strive to finish high school or go to college.  Where is the incentive?  They could easily go down to the local McDonald's and make $15 bucks an hour.  Our generation knew the value of hard work and to strive to always do better and try harder.  We knew that the finer things in life would come later in life, not next week.  I think this generation is missing that. Now, I understand that people have to make a living and that some companies do pay so called slave wages with no medical benefits, but at the same time who's fault is that?  You knew the pay when you took the job.  You made the decision to take the job with low pay and no benefits.  Now, until you can do better that's ok but a lot of people get complacent and never strive to do better.  

If the minimum wage is raised to $15 an hour, who do you think will pick up the tab for their higher wages?  We will!  The companies will raise their prices on goods and services, so they can still make a big profit.  A gallon of milk would go from 4 bucks a gallon, to 6 bucks a gallon.  All goods would go up, to offset the cost of higher wages.  So, then you are looking at inflation of everything, to go along with the increase in minimum wage.  And then to make matters worse, those people at the bottom of the totem pole, are still in the same boat.  They make more, but they are spending more.  And as far as the people that strived to get a good eduction, well their wages haven't increased, but everything else has inflated, so ultimately they are the ones paying the price.  Their once good or great wage is worth less, despite the fact that they worked so hard to earn it.  Their dollar doesn't go as far anymore.  Now, is it fair to the average person who has worked hard in life to lose their buying power?  I think not!  While those that have neglected to put forth an effort basically have a good wage handed to them, which is now ultimately worth no more than what they are making now.

For those that want a better wage, I feel that if you aren't making enough money on one job, get another one or work a second job.  Look into finishing your education, so you can get a better paying job.  Whatever you need to do to provide for your family, do it.  It's not fair for the common man to have to pick up this tab and be clear that's what is going to happen.  These companies are always going to make big profits and we the consumer are ALWAYS going pay the cost because we need the goods they are selling.  Sure, we will complain about it, but we will pay the high prices.

Now, don't forget the small businesses out there.  A multitude of them are going to go under because they can't afford to pay a $15 minimum wage, especially starting out.  Do we want an America that's full of only big corporations?  This is supposed to be the land of opportunity.  America is supposed to be a place where you can make a better life for yourself, no matter your social status is at birth.  America was founded on the premise that if you work hard, you can be successful.  Raising the minimum wage will not make it impossible to start a small business, but it won't be as easy for someone that is not already well off.  I totally believe that if you work hard, you can be successful.  I don't believe in hand outs.  It's okay to give a hand up, but not a hand out.  This is my truth.  What's yours?

Artwork by ~ Amy Redditt

Saturday, November 1, 2014

Slavery: How it has mentally controlled a race for hundreds of years

Posted by ~ Sheldon Redditt on 11/1/2014

When the slaves were first brought to America from Africa in 1555 or 1619, whichever date you choose to believe. The first thing the slave master did was to take away any connection to their native land. The slave master took his language, religion, his name and replaced it with his own. The slave master knew that in order to rule over these people, he had to instill fear, mistrust, and hate in the slave against other slaves. In 1712, a slave owner, by the name of Willie Lynch, gave a lecture on how to control a slave for hundreds or even thousands of years.  Lynch outlined a sure fire way to control the slave by controlling his and her MIND. His methods were beyond brutal at times. Some slave owners would invite all the slave owners from as far away as 100 miles, to bring all of his slaves to watch, as the slave master would tie a pregnant slave to a tree and cut the baby out of her stomach.  He would stomp the baby's head and would beat any slave to near death if they tried to help. Another way of instilling fear was to take the biggest strongest male slave they could find and tie each leg to a horse facing the opposite directions, tar and feather him, set him on fire and beat the horse so that it would run, literally ripping the slave's body in half. To say that they were sick is an under statement. But the end result was the so called, almost perfect slave.  Their methods were a success in every way.  You have taken his identity and instilled fear in him.  Now, you have to teach him how to mistrust, envy and even hate the other slave. So, the slave master would take the light skin slave and let him or her work in the house while the dark skin slave worked in the field. This results in the light skin slave feeling that they are better than the dark skin slave.  Which in turn, causes the dark skin slave to become jealous and even hate the light skin slave. At the same time, the slave master divides the men from the women. The slave master would force the men slaves to have sex with as many women as possible in order to produce more future slaves. The men were not allowed to have any interactions with these children, just plant the seed and leave.  The women were forced to care for their children, alone.  Sounds familiar???  Now you just look at a lot of men today, they are not involved in their kids life. They think it's cool to have as many kids as they can and not be responsible for them. They think that the definition of being a man is to father as many kids as they can without being a daddy. There is a difference! 

How does something that happened hundreds of years ago continue to effect us today, you might ask?  It still has an effect, like Willie Lynch stated, the best way to control a people is to control their minds. When the slaves were finally set free they still had the same slave mindset. Slavery was all they knew, so if you instill in a people to believe this way, to act this way, for hundreds of years it becomes the norm. Look at the way they beat the slave for instance.  A lot of people in my generation were whipped with extension cords, the whip of our time.  Their parents whipped them with the same thing, so it was passed down. Some of us are still dealing with the mental scars of being whipped or beaten in this manner.  Look at how we are still divided based on color; light skin vs dark skin.  In 2014, we are still having this issue.  How many rap songs have you heard saying something to the effect of,  "I only want a red bone" (light skin women)?  The absence of the father in children's lives.  It was embedded in them, from slavery, to not be involved in their kids lives, to plant the seed and leave.  But, when you know better you do better.  We are hundreds of years away from physical slavery but mentally, a lot of us are still there. The disrespect we have for our women, the hate we have for one another.  At what point do we break the cycle?  We have all the knowledge and tools available to do it.  Slavery was a horrible thing that should NEVER be forgotten but we have to stop being enslaved mentally.  We have to love and trust each other and stop being divided by skin tone, or the part of town you are from.  If we don't make a change as a people, then I guess Willie Lynch was right, you really can control a people for hundreds of years.  Let's break the cycle.  This is my truth what's yours?


Sunday, October 26, 2014

Boys to Men, Generations Not So Divided (Thoughts on Women)

Posted by~ Sheldon Redditt on 10/26/2014

I've thought that this generation of boys was totally lost.  After having a conversation with several teenage boys, I've come to realize, boys today aren't thinking much differently than the men of my generation, when it comes to the fairer sex.  We discussed; girls with tattoos, using profanity, style of clothing, girls drinking and so much more.  Surprisingly for me, our thoughts are almost unanimously universal.  Honestly, I was shocked by these boys.  I most definitely judged them based upon the baggy clothes they wear, which is foremost in my mind.  I couldn't fathom, that a boy that thinks it's a good idea to hold on to the crotch of his pants, while he walks around so his pants don't fall down, with his underwear showing, could possibly think, anything close to what I think.  (But that's a whole other post!)  I've observed the way this generation talks, not only to girls but about girls and there was no way we could possibly think alike.  But, I digress.  I was absolutely wrong!  These boys let me know I was wrong on so many counts, which makes me wonder one thing.  Why hasn't anyone clued women and girls in?  I know my daughter will have all the tools to make the decisions she needs to and I thought, why shouldn't you and yours?  Now, there are definitely generational differences, but I believe that comes from growing up in a new era with social media that goes everywhere they go and the flooding of "reality TV" that penetrates our homes.  But, my hope is that, even these differences will change as these boys mature.

You witness these boys treating these young girls with little to no respect.  It's deplorable, but after talking to this group, I found that they meet the girls where they are.  If the girl has no self respect, these boys will not go out of their way to respect her.  Is it wrong?  Of course!  But, what's really different between that generation and mine, other than maybe the way they talk to these girls?  If you, as an adult male know that a woman doesn't respect herself and you are a single man, will you wait for her or try to get into her pants immediately?  Of course, you would want better for your daughter, why not her?  Is that respect?

A generation of tattooed people, certainly, they think differently than I do!  Again, I am wrong!  Well, partly wrong.  I personally, hate tattoos.  They mostly don't mind tattoos for themselves and don't necessarily think they look bad on girls.  But, where I found similarity, these boys also look at a girl with tattoos and immediately think she is easy.  They also think, that girl is not someone I would choose to take home to meet Mom and Dad and she certainly is not marriage material.  This is not intended to offend, but was truly our honest conversation.  And again, I was surprised to find that these teens thought like myself and many of my peers.

These boys absolutely hate for a girl to use profanity.  They think girls shouldn't curse and should act like ladies at all times.  These thoughts completely coincide with the mindset of my generation.  They say they don't want a girl that can out drink them.  In their words, "that ain't cute.".  They think it's okay for a woman to drink in a social setting.  But this new catch phrase, getting "turnt up", well they say, it's a total turn off.  

Clothes these days are becoming more like a second skin on young girls.  You see 13 and 14 year old girls with their butt cheeks hanging out walking around the mall.  The travesty is that their parents are often walking side by side with them.  These boys love, love, love to look at these girls.  And more than that they love the ease of getting into their pants, or lack there of.  But one after another said that, that's all they would love to do with them.  There is no way they'd take them home to meet the parents, or bother to open the door for them on their way out.  That brings me to my next point.  Chivalry is not dead, it's not required.  I discussed with them, my observation, of them not opening doors for women or girls and not offering to carry a woman's bags.  Their response was that, girls for the most part don't expect it.  Independence is the new, it thing, for girls.  They said, that if a girl ever says to them, "aren't you gonna get the door for me?", they'll fall all over themselves to get it for her every time.  But rarely does that ever happen.

I encourage all parents, mentors, aunts, uncles, etc. to have a conversation with the boys in your life.  You would be amazed to hear what they truly think and what you can find out.  These boys now number girls according to what sexual act they're willing to receive from her.  She's a 1 if they will let her perform oral sex on them.  She's a 2 if they will let her perform oral sex and have intercourse with them and so on.  The boys seemingly have all the power because no longer, do the multitude of girls realize that they should and can hold the power.   And parents, I can not express to you enough, TALK TO YOUR DAUGHTERS!  Let them know their worth!  Help them, help themselves, to not settle for less than the very best that they deserve.  This is my truth.  What's yours?