Tuesday, September 30, 2014


Posted by ~ Sheldon Redditt 09/30/2014

Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.  Proverbs 22:6

What is going on with our children?  The recent flash mobs that have been popping up in Memphis, surrounding areas and even nationwide are a travesty.  For those of you that are not familiar with the term, "flash mob", in this instance, it would be a gang of teenagers that appear at once and attack innocent, unsuspecting people.  In the last two weeks there have been three instances in the Memphis area.  

Let me start with the first incident, which took place in a Kroger parking lot in Memphis, TN, where a gang of kids beat two white guys.  They beat one of them to the point of being unconscious.  The entire incident was recorded.  One of the Kroger employees, whom happened to be black, attempted to help the other two young men.  He, in turn, was attacked as well.  This should have been labelled a Hate Crime. Shame on Mayor Wharton and Police Director Armstrong for not labeling it a Hate Crime.  Their stupid reason was because there was a black guy attacked too, but he was only attacked because he was trying to help out the two Caucasian men.  If the roles were reversed and a mob of white guys jumped on two black guys and another white employee was assaulted attempting to defend the black guys, no doubt, it would've been labelled a Hate Crime, as it should.  The definition of a Hate Crime is a crime motivated by racial, sexual, or other prejudice, typically one involving violence.  In the Kroger instance, the black employee was in no way the target.  He just simply got in their way, but it doesn't negate the fact that they had a mission.

Parents, where were you?  Why were your kids out at this time of night terrorizing the public?  How could you not have knowledge of your child's' whereabouts?  You are just as responsible as the child.  Your job is to nurture, guide and protect your child.  Should there not be some kind of consequences for you as well?   My generation was parented.  We knew that our parents were not there to be our friends.  They were there to raise us.  

Last Friday night, another flash mob attacked two cars in the middle of the street as the Central High School football game was letting out.  There was also a 16 year old boy that was attacked as he was leaving the game and a 55 year old man that was attacked by five or six people.  One of the drivers said that there were twenty kids on top of her car, kicking, stomping and hitting the car and the windows.  She was driving with her daughter in the car and they feared for their lives. At this point, police have issued three juvenile summons.  WHAT?! The lady that I mentioned said, "had I been armed, we would've had a lot of kids laying in Bellevue Street that night."  She said EXACTLY what a lot of people are thinking.  Let me be the first to say, I don't condone killing kids.  However, when you have these MONSTERS that are attacking people for no reason or for kicks, well people have a right to defend themselves and their families.  If this keeps happening, these monsters are going to end up in a cemetery because they are gonna get shot.  Fortunately for them, they haven't run into the right person yet, that will exercise his rights.  

I know I'm gonna hear, well you shouldn't call these kids monsters because they come from such and such neighborhood.  And all that kind of crap.  But that's just that, a bunch of crap.  There are plenty of people that grew up poor but they don't go around brutally attacking innocent people.  Again, if parents would PARENT, we wouldn't have these issues.  So, I'm calling them monsters because that's what monsters do, prey on the innocent.  I've seen the videos where they're jumping around with their pants around their ankles, holding assault rifles, rapping about some "fam mob" crap or whatever it is they're saying.  To all of our leaders, where are you now?  As soon as one of these kids get killed, you'll be running to Memphis, holding marches, rallies and vigils, talking about how good this kid was all his life. When you know damn well he was a menace to society.  Let's be proactive, instead of reactive.  It starts at home.  Parents do your job.  No one should be afraid to leave their house in fear of your kid attacking them because it seems like a good way to get their kicks tonight.  As Americans, we all have the right to Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness.  The first one is Life.  And I'll be damned if I'm gonna let some little thug try to hurt me or my family.  I will defend myself and I expect others to do the same.  If you parents don't step up and raise your children, as that old Biblical verse says, you're gonna be buying a casket.  This senseless violence has to stop!  This is my truth.  What is yours?

Saturday, September 27, 2014

Where in the world is Sheldon?

This is Sheldon's wife, Amy.   I just thought I'd give everyone a quick update.  Sheldon had his third surgery on Thursday morning.  (It was his third surgery in three weeks and second in the last week.). He got an infection in his knee.  They washed his knee out a second time and successfully removed the new ACL graft.  He is still in a good bit of pain.  Right now, I am just trying to let him rest and keeping him as comfortable as I can.  We have a follow up Monday afternoon with his orthopedic doctor and there will be blood work done by the infectious disease doctor on Monday, as well. Please pray that everything looks good on both counts.  I would like to thank each of you that have commented here, called and text both he and I.  You have no idea how much the outpouring of love means to our family.  It is so good to know that we have so many people out there praying for our family's strength and his and our daughters' healing.  He's looking forward to getting his next post out of his head and ready for you all to view.  His goal is to release it Monday, so stay tuned!

Monday, September 22, 2014

Law of Attraction

Posted by~ Sheldon Redditt on 09/22/2014

For as he thinketh in his heart, so is he. Proverbs 23:7

When I was a little boy, I had to go to church every Tuesday, Friday and Sunday.  It used to drive me crazy!  I remember my Sunday school teacher making us learn bible verses. Proverbs 23:7 was always my favorite one. Now at 7, I had no idea what it meant, but it was short and something I could remember, so it was my favorite. I had no idea back then that this simple, yet so powerful verse, would be the way that I lived my life in my later years. 

About 8 years ago, Amy introduced me to this book called, "The Law Of Attraction".  Wow!  I never knew how powerful and meaningful this book would be, in both of our lives. I have read thousands of books in my lifetime but, when anyone asks me what my favorite book I've ever read is, I am quick to tell them, "The Law of Attraction".  You see, we live the Law of Attraction EVERY DAY. The Law of Attraction is this, whatever you put out into the universe,  you will get back, whether good or bad. If you put love into the universe, love is what you will get in return but, if you put hate into the universe, that's what you will receive in return. Amy and I began to adopt these principles into our daily life and the results have been amazing. We began to make vision boards where we would post photos on poster boards of all of the things that we desired, so as to keep each thing in the forefront of our mind. We became very conscious of the words that we not only spoke, but of the thoughts that we were thinking. Remember, what you think is what you will receive.  When times would get tough for us, instead of saying how bad it was, we would immediately come up with a positive solution.  We began to thank God for all that he has and will continue to do for us. 

I believe, that whatever you have in life, you have attracted it. If you are in a healthy relationship, it's because you attracted it and if you are in a bad relationship, you attracted that as well. If you are in debt, you attracted that debt.  If you are working a dead end job, you attracted that dead end job. You get my drift.  But, I want you to see the positive aspect of this, as well.  That dream vacation you want, that trimmer body, that car you've had your eye on, those things can be yours too.  You just have to put them into the forefront of your mind and of course, work for them too.  Now, you don't have to believe in the Law of Attraction for it to work. It's works regardless of whether you believe in it, or not.  That bible verses that I learned back when I was 7, was so true. "For as he thinketh in his heart, so is he."  Whatever you think, that is what you are. I don't think that it was any coincidence that I learned this verse so many years ago. I now know, that was God's way of preparing me for how I should live my life. I would encourage all of you to pick up "The Law of Attraction".  It will change your life. Amy and I always tell the story of our daughter Hayden and how we named her 3 years before she was born. Amy has only ever wanted a daughter as did I. It only took me 40 years to get her. But, we put it into the universe and it happened.   It is so amazing to see those things come to fruition.  

Now, I really had to put the Law of Attraction into effect, these last 3 weeks. You see, I have been in so much pain that I couldn't get out of bed. The doctor prescribed me 3 different pain medications and none of them worked. I was only able to sleep 4 hours a day because the pain was unbearable. I kept saying, I can't take this pain! I'm sick of all this pain and you know what I kept attracting? I was willing more pain! It was only after I began to be thankful for those 4 hours without pain, that the pain began to get better. I began thanking God that I have a wife that has been taking care of me and thinking that just like everything else, this too shall pass.  It's funny to me now because for the last 3 days in the hospital, I have slept about 20 hours a day and have been awake about 4 hours.  WOW, the Law of Attraction at work!

Whatever you want in life, I advise you to write it down, make a list or a vision board and look at it every day and believe that you already have it.  I promise you that you will receive it, as long as you put in the work. If you want to find love, happiness or anything else, keep speaking it into the universe, believe that it will happen and it will. This is my truth. What's yours?

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

A Lesson in Friendship

Posted by- Sheldon Redditt on 09/17/2014

I dedicate this post to James Wilson and Sara Garrison for showing me what true friendship really means, by walking it every day.

Growing up, I never really felt that I needed a very close friend. I was always a very private person and didn't want anyone to know my innermost thoughts. I thought, the less one knew about you, the less they would have to use against you, to hurt you. I thought that I could go through life, not really needing anyone. Of course, I had acquaintances and friends in high school, but even then, I never bared all to anyone. I truly thought I would go through life that way, thinking the less you knew about me, the better it was. I always had trust issues, but was always an excellent listener and strangely, people have always felt compelled to share their deepest truths with me!  Even when I attempted to shy away from listening.  The more people shared, the more sure I was that I should never let anyone completely in. After all, most of their truths were about how someone close to them had hurt them in some way or another.

Fast forward a decade or so, when I met my, now wife. Throughout our friendship, I recall my wife, Amy, talking about her best friend, Sara. She would brag, Sara is this, Sara is that and how much Sara had it together. It used to get on my nerves! But, when I met Sara for the first time, I could see why Amy thought she was so special. It wasn't that she talked a lot, like Amy does. (Lol. Just joking! You know, I love you, Amy) Or, Lord knows that friendship would have never worked. I thought that Sara's personality was a lot like mine. She was quiet, observant and I got the sense that she was busy sizing me up to see if I was good enough for her best friend. I knew she was genuine. I love the relationship they have because they can talk to each other about anything without judging. And the most amazing thing I observed over the years was that when anything that was significant in my wife's life happened, no matter how big or small, Sara was her biggest cheerleader. I found that she was always as happy for Amy, as she would have been for herself. And Amy reciprocated all of those things for Sara. I was in awe because I didn't think it was possible for true friendship to really exist on that level.

My observations of the two of them caused me to rethink my stance and boy am I grateful for that. My best friend, James Wilson, showed up in my life 13 years ago. At first, I didn't think I was going to like him. He was loud and a jokester, my polar opposite. But once we got to know each other, I found that he had an insight that was intriguing. No matter the subject, he always viewed things from multiple perspectives.  Thankfully, he has taught me to do the same. And he is NEVER afraid to tell me when he thinks I am wrong, despite knowing it will make me so mad and I might not talk to him for awhile. He was the one that sat down with me and told me that I needed to get my head out of my behind and marry Amy before I lose her. I was convinced I'd never marry again due to past hurts and mistakes, but my true friend lit a fire under me and helped me give myself the life I'd always imagined. I thank God every day for placing him in my life at what was probably the lowest period of my life. He has been a true friend and I love him like a brother.

I think it's truly unfortunate that some people go through their whole life without a Sara or a James, to not have anyone with whom they can bare their soul. Although, both of our friends are hundreds of miles away, a simple phone call can always make the world feel brighter when life gets tough. I'm thankful to Amy and Sara for walking in true friendship and showing me what it looks like. And I'm grateful for the day when James and I rode together in his silver beat up Cadillac listening to the washed up rapper E-40. I told him he was too old to listen to rap music and we've been friends ever since! 

I pray that each one of you will find that person to bring into your life and if you already have them, call them up today and tell them how grateful you are that you found them and they are a part of your life. They say in life you're lucky to find one true friend. I am so grateful and blessed to have found that one. This my truth. What's yours?

Sunday, September 14, 2014

I Love My Strong White Queen

Posted by ~ Sheldon Redditt on 09/16/2014

Ain't nothing like WHITE LOVE!   White love is a beautiful thang!  I just love my strong white woman and how she holds it down.  Have y'all seen my European Queen?  She sure is happy to have a strong black man!  Now, doesn't that last statement sound a little more familiar?  Or, what about, "Ain't nothing like Black Love.", "Im so happy to have found my African Queen.", "Girl, I got me a strong black man."!  We all see it every day in our News Feeds on Facebook and in other forms of social media.  What if other people openly made these statements on social media, on TV or in your face?  We are the only culture saying things like this.  I don't hear Asians saying,  "There's my strong Japanese Queen". "My Chinese King is holding it down", not Indians saying, "We've got that strong Indian Love", not Hispanics saying, "There is my Latina love, ain't nobody that can put it down like a Latina!".  And why might I ask?  What are we trying to convince ourselves of? What are we trying to project to the world?

Now, suppose that white people did make these statements on social media or anywhere else.  The whole nation would be in an uproar.  They would be labelled a racist, white supremacists, bigots and anything else we might think fit.  So, why is it that we feel that it is okay for us to use these racists and divisive terms?  Side note- (Please spare me the messages and comments, stating there's nothing wrong with being a racist.  Because a racist is simply a person that loves their race.  Just like a person that plays the piano is a pianist, or a person who loves art is an artist. That's ignorant, you know what's implied by the word racist.) We always say that we want equality, but this is clearly a double standard.  Before you start sending me all these hateful messages, saying that I shouldn't have addressed this, because you aren't racist or divisive, you're just pro-black and showing pride in your own race, rethink it.  Because that's a bunch of BS.  If white people were saying they were pro-white, you'd be calling them the KKK.  But since it's us, we are supposed to get a pass??  You have to call a spade a spade.  It is what it is.  It's wrong!  If we ever want to be looked at as equals, we have to get our house together first and stop finding more ways to divide ourselves from everyone else.  There's enough of that, without us adding fuel to the fire.

And I know you're saying to yourself, "they just don't get it, it's a black thing".  How would you feel if they said, "you just don't get it, it's a white thing!"? Sometimes we have to put the shoe on the other foot, so that we might realize how ridiculous something sounds.  What are we teaching our children?  That they will only have found a good mate, if that mate meets the color criteria?  Why not teach them to simply find a good man or a good woman, that will love them and uphold the values with which they were raised, despite the color of either of their skin.  This is my truth.  What's yours?

What's in a Name?

Posted by~ Sheldon Redditt on September 14, 2014

"What's in a name? That which we call a rose by any other name would smell as sweet." ~William Shakespeare ~ But with a name like Sha'Nay Nay, no one is gonna think that child smells so sweet.  What are we doing to our kids? Are we giving them a fighting chance? I think not!  So, you think you should be able to name them whatever you want? Yes, you should, but My God, we are handicapping them the moment they take their first breath.  So am I saying name them a  "white name"? No, I didn't say that, but name them something someone can spell and pronounce.  Name them something that each school year, their teacher isn't shaking their head when they get their new roll call, thinking, "man, I'm in for it this year"!  So, we've established racism exists and many would say this is another way to be controlled. But, I beg to differ. I have been in the education field and sat around with other Black educators and WE were the ones shaking our heads! How many times have you been a part of a conversation that went something like this, "No their Momma didn't! No the hell they didn't! Here comes little bad ass... This is gonna be my problem child." How many times have you heard a name over the loud speaker at a fast food restaurant and drove up to the window, only for you to think that their attitude matched their name?

How are we gonna prepare our kids for success when most people can't pronounce, let alone, spell their names.  And then the kids have the audacity to have an attitude when you can't pronounce their 50 syllable name!  But, in actuality it's not their fault, it's their parents. One would automatically assume that their parents are uneducated as well and that may not be the case.  But, why give someone the ammunition to assume so.

We now say in corporate America this is the new way to discriminate against applicants.  That may be so, but if you know that, why would you give yours kids names that won't even get them in the door for a interview?  Recently, a friend of mine said, that a person told her that her kids names were too boring and that they needed names that are black and unique. She explained to the lady that she gave all of her kids names that she loved and that her kids wouldn't have to explain later on in life. Again, there is nothing wrong with naming your kids so called black names.  But, with names like; Shaniqua, Rashanique, Obamaniqua and Guuuuuurrrrrrllllll (yes the last two are actual names) or Darterrius, Dallevante, Ze'darius and the list goes on and on, we should be embarrassed.  I know it sounds funny, but seriously, we all should want a better life for our children than we had. We don't want them to miss a great opportunity because we gave them a silly name. Just because Mercedes or Lexus is your favorite car, doesn't mean it's a good idea to name your kid that. 

When you know better, you should do better. Let's stop with these silly names and give our kids a chance.  When they interview for a job, instead of employers saying, "I'm not hiring a person with a name I can't pronounce."  Let's stop giving employers the opportunity to assume that with a name like that, they couldn't possibly be a team player.  So, I say to you, when you are thinking of names for your kids think about how it may affect them their entire life. You only get one name,  so make it a good one. This is my truth. What is yours?

Artwork by ~ Amy Redditt

Friday, September 12, 2014

The Silent Majority (Part 1)

Posted by Sheldon Redditt on 09/12/2014

I dedicate this post to my daughter, Hayden.  I pray that she finds her voice and will never be a part of the silent majority.

"The Silent Majority", just thinking about the title and I get emotional. The silent majority, the group that holds the most power. If this group would just speak out and act, they could change the world. I decided I wanted to explore this topic because of conversations I have had with friends. But, more importantly, this is my reaction to the calls and texts that both myself and my wife received, regarding my last two blogs and the comments that followed.  These friends of ours were very opinionated but chose to sit in partial silence.  I'm reacting to my friends that act like they really want positive change. And, I truly believe that they do, but like most, they've become accustomed to being comfortable and sitting in silence.  I say act like, because if you truly want change, you would do the necessary actions it takes to produce that change. But back to what I was saying, they had very strong opinions, but when I asked them, "Why don't you speak out about it and let your voice be heard?", 9 out of 10 of them would say the same thing. "I don't want to get involved in that.  I don't want to cause any waves. I don't want people to look at me differently. I got too much to lose."  Or the big one, "It's not gonna change anything and the moment people see that I don't agree with them it turns into a big argument so what's the point?"  I hear this so much and it saddens me because for far too long we have given all the power to the minority. The minority gets to make all the laws and rules. The minority also gets to change those same rules that they set if they suddenly don't mesh with their agenda.  While the majority just sit and complain without doing anything about it. And that's what the minority count on.

I remember reading a speech by Mark Twain that said, over 70 percent of white people disagreed with lynching of blacks in the South.  I want you to think about that number for a moment. 70 percent. So, that means that the minority were the ones making all the rules, enforcing them and executing the crimes. But you know why? Because that 70 percent, the silent majority, chose for whatever reason not to speak up or do anything. Just think what the outcome would have been had they spoken up. How many lives could have been saved? 

Also, it brings me back to Ferguson, MO; where the town is made up of almost 70 percent black residents but the minority of the population make all the rules. There are one or two black police officers and one city councilman. The towns' 70 percent are not accurately being represented.  These people have spoken amongst themselves about the injustices well before the Michael Brown situation, but chose not to do anything other than talk.  What would have happened if they would have gone to the polls and voted or found a candidate that could've lent their voice, regarding the towns' people's needs and wants. Just maybe, maybe, the Michael Brown incident wouldn't have happened.

In America, we are a reactive people rather than proactive people.  When things like this happen, we are in an uproar for awhile and then it's back to business as usual or on to the next bandwagon.  But what could happen if the silent majority, not only spoke up, but acted on their own behalf as well? Imagine the impact we might see.

Our job is to leave this Earth in a better state than it was in when we got here.  If we truly want the next generation to be on an even playing field and have all the same opportunities, whether they are Black, White, Hispanic or Asian; the silent majority needs to rise up peacefully, be heard and get out and make an impact. Gone should be the day that a politician should assume that they have your vote, whether you are Black, White, Democrat or Republican, just because of the color of their skin or their party affiliation.  They should be expected to EARN it.  Tell me what real change has ever come from silence, the blame game or trying to remain comfortable.  If you don't take but one thing from this; use your voice.  People have given their lives for you to have that privilege. Don't let their sacrifice be in vain. This is my truth.  What is yours? 

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Uncle Tom, Sellout, Trying to be White

"Uncle Tom, Sellout, Trying to be White", all terms that we, as black people, use to describe a black person who thinks differently than the majority of black people, I want to explore these ridiculous terms today, after reading the thoughts and opinions that many left on my first blog. While I knew that my first blog would cause some controversy, I never would have thought that it would be my own family and friends that would ever question, not only my character, but also my so called blackness. 

Let me start first by saying this, there are over 45 million black people in America, so to expect all 45 million black people to think the exact same way is utterly ridiculous.  One would never expect all Caucasians, Asians, Hispanics or any other race of people to have the exact same beliefs or opinions.  What makes America so great is that you have a multitude of races living in one country with culture differences and different ideas. So, let me ask you this.  Why is it when it comes to Black people, we have to think the same way on issues such as politics, relationships and any social issues? If you are a Democrat you are okay, but if you are a Republican, you are an Uncle Tom or trying to be white. If you date outside your race you are a sellout. Why is this? Shouldn't all black people have  the same liberty to think how they want to think, date who they want to date, without being labeled one of these terrible terms?  Are we robots?  I mean really, just because our skin is the same, we are supposed to be also?  Amongst the black race, you have wealthy, middle class and poor citizens, so of course our experiences aren't the same.  How can you expect our thinking to be?  Life is all about change and the way I may view something at 20, I may not view it that way at 40 and nor should I.  We all grow and evolve. If we disagree on a topic let's agree to disagree, but still be respectful. I don't see any other race of people using these derogatory terms when they disagree on a subject. 

Now, to all my friends and family who think that I have sold out or that I'm trying to act white. Let me digress for a second, what the hell does acting white mean? You speak correct English and you are trying to be white? If you dress a certain way, you dress like a white boy?  If you question anything that President Obama does then "you acting just like those white folks".  And while I'm speaking about President Obama, let's also throw in Oprah.  They both dress exquisitely and speak eloquently.  Do these labels fit them too, or just because they are who they are, they're allowed a pass?  Please,  stop with this crap and think about what you are saying.  Only white people speak correct English, only white people dress for success?  What exactly is it then, that you are implying about the black race?  Does anything about those kinds of statements make you any better than those that you proclaim to be oppressing blacks on a daily bases?  I started this blog because I wanted to discuss these issues and to come up with positive solutions. I didn't do it to to blame others for this or that. We have to stop with these labels because we don't agree with each other 100% of the time. This is my truth. What's yours??????


Sunday, September 7, 2014

Why are whites considered racists when they openly share their opinionsand black people are at liberty to speak freely without being labelleda RACIST?

 I  have had conversations with my friends, both black and white, regarding the tragedy in Ferguson, Missouri.  I found myself intrigued by the fact that my black friends were very open and honest about how they felt but my white friends on the other hand were not. As I continued to question them on how they really felt about the situation they all began to say the same thing. My white friends all explained to me that they don't like to vocalize their opinions on issues such as Ferguson because they believe that if they express how they really feel, they would be called racists. One of my friends went on to tell me, "Sheldon, just because my skin is white, people think I'm racist period."  He said, "now I know I don't understand how hard it is being a black man in America, but I do know that if I go to fire a employee, who happens to be black, for poor performance I am called a racist. If I'm in traffic and I happen to cut someone off by mistake or have road rage, I am a white racist mother fucker."  He went on and on, but my point is this, we should all be able to speak our minds and not be labelled racist. I know there are white people that are racists and I know black people that are racists too.  YES, BLACK PEOPLE CAN BE RACISTS TOO.  I repeatedly hear, that black people can't be racists because racism is based on power and money.  Since a great majority of blacks in America aren't a part of the upper echelon, it is impossible for them to be racist.  That is the stupidest crap I have ever heard. Most racists people hate simply because of skin color period and a lot of them don't have a pot to piss in or a window to throw it out of. I know black people that hate white people because they are white period and I know white people who hate blacks because of skin color as well.

Ok let's get to the root of the problem, I always want to be open and honest, but at the end of the day, I want to offer real solutions. I read a comment that was made on the blog, that the reason why whites are racists is because of their 2000 years of oppression of blacks and others throughout history. I am so sick of this cop out. Yes, slavery was a terrible thing that should NEVER be forgotten, but at what point do we stop blaming white people today for something that their great-great-great grandparents did. That's equivalent to my having to pay for a crime my son committed, or better yet, someone's grandchild being incarcerated for a crime they committed in 1945, it's stupid. If we are gonna be honest, let's be real honest. Black people sold their own people into slavery in the first place, now at first, they may have not known that white people's definition of slavery was totally different from indentured servitude, but after they found out, it was CHATTEL SLAVERY.  They still sold their own people into slavery to white people because of greed. So, we could play the blame game all day but where has that gotten us??? If we are to have REAL change in this World, both sides should be able to express their thoughts and opinions without being judged. 

What happened to Michael Brown, in Ferguson, Missouri, was a tragedy but all the facts aren't known and if we are INNOCENT until proven GUILTY, let the facts come out first. I can understand both sides because I am black and also a former Cop and at the end of the day we are trained to go home the same way you came to work, unharmed. And that's the first law of nature, self preservation.  Now, we know there was a altercation between them, but other than that, we don't know what happened. In the words of my good friend Tobey, "I questioned his judgement but I don't think that officer went to work with the intent to kill a black man."  It's very tragic but just as blacks are outraged over this, we should also be outraged over black on black crime and all crimes to anyone. White people should be able to express their honest opinions without fear of being labelled.  It's unfair for it be a one sided monologue all of the time. I think the solution to this issue could be solved simply by having all officers wear body cameras. I think that would protect both the officer and the person they are arresting. That's my take on it. What are your thoughts??????

Saturday, September 6, 2014

All roads lead to.....

So, I'm laying here with my leg elevated, after just having my second ACL replacement and my meniscus repaired.  I've always been one to be constantly moving and taking care of everyone and everything, but here I am, staring down the tunnel of what will be my life for the next six months.  Thankfully, it will be an uphill climb and I will succeed at doing more as time passes. 

But, all this idle time got me thinking about what I could accomplish with my sedentary time and it took me back to a time when a friend suggested that I start a blog.  I've always been one to discuss controversial issues with people face to face, once I really got to know them and I'm always, always thinking.  So, why not, I thought!  Why not get all my thoughts out there and open up a forum where people can have open discussions and get to the heart of the matter on so many controversial topics, from race relations, to politics, you name it!  I believe that if we are ever really going to make a change in this world for the better, then everyone will have to be open and honest.  I'd like to be a pioneer in the HUMAN RELATIONSHIPS department.

WARNING!!! My subject matters, at times will be controversial, but I will be offering my honest opinion.  If we are ever going to see real change in this world, the conversations that only happen behind closed doors in the privacy of your own home, will have to be brought to light.  I'm not looking to be or for any of my readers to be politically correct.  I'm going to share my truth, as I hope you will too.  However, with that being said, I will not tolerate HATE on this blog.  I am looking for open minded people that are willing to dig deeper.

My first topic is, "Why are whites considered racists when they openly share their opinions and black people are at liberty to speak freely without being labelled a RACIST?"  I will post tomorrow and I look forward to seeing your responses.

This just got real!
